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The questions are not in any order. They are just random. And if your question is missing, pls remind me.
*Do not read this if you haven't read till epilogue*contains spoiler*


Did you plan this story beforehand or went with the flow?

Yes and No.

When I posted the first chapter, I myself hadn't thought about Kinza's past. I hadn't planned anything and went with the flow. It was only after a few chapters that I planned the plot and the story line and all the major and Minor things, perfectly.

Which character was the most difficult to write?

Kinza Malak!

yes, I know you're all shocked but believe me, her characterization
was the most difficult thing. Because she is so unlike me in temperament.

Everytime I wrote a scene about her, I had to think for hours ' What'd I do if so and so happened with me?!' 'If I was in her place!'

Kinza faced so much difficulties in her twenty years of life that I can't fathom her reactions and feelings.

I had to make progress with her character. I hope I did a good job there.

But, I can relate to her on other things like baking and stuff :'))

Do you relate to any of your characters?

YES! Safina all the way. I never planned her character nor did I plan to keep her till the end. she just came out of nowhere in the second chapter.(Haha)
she is so like me, except I am not the kabab me haddi(third wheel) between any couple. LOL.

And, I think every character has a little something about me, maybe.

Who is your most favourite character?

Ummm, Daniyal and Abdulrahman and Safina.

Most fav scene?

Well, there are many.

When Daniyal said to Kinza that she is his.

"You are mine."


And, when he was trying to talk to her while she was ignoring him.

And Food fight

And chapter 29

And When Daniyal kissed her first time on forehead when she wore the walima dress.

And When Daniyal, Ayaan and Rihab climbed the pipe to get into the balcony. *_*

And SafiHab meeting in the balcony.

And Nikah and Walima.

I guess the list will go on and on.

What's yours my lovely readers?

Why did you end the book so soon? :(

Aww, this so sweet of you.
But everything has to come to an end. I think Unknowingly His reached a beautiful ending.

Honestly, I had planned only 30 chapters, but seeing your love and support made me change my decision and Allah is the best of planners.

"Kinza didn't get her memory back, why?"

I so wanted Kinza to get her lost memory back. It'd have been too clichè, I guess. And then after researching a lot I came to know that there are people who have suffered partial Amnesia and till date never got their memory back.

Will there be a sequel, spin-off prequel to UH?

No sequel and prequel, But a
spin-off called MAKING HER MINE. You all know who is it about? *raises eyebrow*

We all also see Adeel and Rashiya'a's love story.. so double treat of Love doze;)

Will we see Daniyal and Kinza in MAKING HER MINE?

Yes. We will see them in MAKING HER MINE. I was really sad to end Unknowingly His. But the thought that they will be there in MHM, made me complete this book.

Do you plan on writing more stories?

If time permits, Yes, In sha allah.

When will you post the first chapter of SAFINA'S STORY?

I have posted the preview of Making Her Mine. I will start posting the chapters when I have written a handful of them.
So, a few days later y'all will get the notification of MHM.

Where are you from?

A lot of you thought am a Pakistani, but No..

Am an Indian.

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