Chapter Four: A Fool's Hour: Part I

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Alexa's Outfit

Tyler and I just finished our very fun shift at the Dino Cafe this morning

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Tyler and I just finished our very fun shift at the Dino Cafe this morning. Tyler and I worked this morning cause Kendall assigned me to show Tyler the basics about running the cafe. Tyler and I existed the elevator together to enter base. Shelby, Riley and Chase turned towards us to see who just had walked in. Tyler and I unclipped our energems from our necklaces and let them fly to their designated place in their stands in the small cavern of the wall. "Isn't this great!" Tyler exclaimed. "I get to be a bus boy at the cafe." Shelby looked at both of us horrified that we just had finished a shift at the cafe.

"You're late Shelby." Kendall informed her, walking out of the lab area of base. Kendall passed her Dino Cafe uniform. "Please Chase, this is a sterile lab. Not a garage." Kendall scolded the black ranger. Chase picked his skateboard off of the lab table.

"Why are Alexa and Tyler dressed to work at the Cafe?" Shelby asked. "We're rangers now, you know." Shelby added, trying to get out of working at the cafe.

"Sometimes you all are busy saving the world, and other times you are busy flipping burgers. Today is burgers." Kendall explained. "That's how you blend in so no one suspects that your rangers." Shelby groaned.

"Someone say burgers?" I heard Koda ask and we all turned around to see him walk out of his cave, shirtless while holding a blue shirt in hand. Koda stretched while Riley, Shelby and Tyler looked at each other confused. We all had our own rooms here at base, along with extra rooms for new rangers when we find them. They're confused why Koda just walked out of a cave. Chase and I just watched their reactions, amused.

"Koda, do you like... Sleep in the cave?" Tyler asked. Koda pulled the shirt over his head and nodded.

"Yes, my home." Koda explained.

"Koda found the blue energem 100,000 years ago, during the Pleistocene era." Kendall explained to the 3 very confused looking rangers. Koda blew hair out of his face.

"How cool is that." Chase commented.

"Yeah it is, but do you mean that Koda is..." Tyler started.

"A caveman!?!?" Riley, Tyler and Shelby finished together. Chase and I grinned by the even more confused look about how the 100,000 year old caveman, looked merely like any other normal 18 year old boy.

"Awesome." Tyler said, amazed. Koda smiled even more.

"Really? He's a 100,000 years old. That's impossible." Riley tired countering.

"When he bonded with his energem, he stopped aging. None of you will age when bonded with your energems." Kendall explained to all of us.

"So I'll stay 18, this job has some great benefits." Shelby exclaimed excitedly. Chase walked up to stand next to her.

"And I'll always look like this." Chase said.

"So there are some negatives too." Shelby commented and I burst out into laughter. Chase glared at me playfully. Koda lead Tyler, Shelby and Riley into his cave that he called home.

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