Chapter Six: Return of A Caveman: Part I

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Since yesterday, Tyler and I have been hanging out a ton

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Since yesterday, Tyler and I have been hanging out a ton. Tyler had asked how I found and bonded to my energem, so I answered him. I told him the story of the night that we had for a dig and I found the energem. Apparently Kendall, Keeper, Koda and Chase hadn't expected to find an energem, let alone someone else to bond to it. We walked into base just as I finished up my story. "So that's how I found my energem." I finished and the two of us let our energems fly to their place in the small cavern in the wall.

"What's that?" Tyler asked, looking at the yellow motorcycle in base and gaining the attention of everyone else in the lab area.

"It's a new Dino Cycle that Miss. Morgan invented for us." Chase explained to us and he climbed on, revving it up. Suddenly, there was fast footsteps rushing towards us and we all turned around to see Koda panting a bit with a stick in his hand.

"Sorry, we didn't know you were still sleeping." Kendall apologized to Koda. He lowered the stick and Chase got off of the bike.

"Kendall..." Shelby began, but Kendall gave her a look and Shelby corrected herself. "Miss Morgan was just showing us the Dino Cycle." Koda looked at it.

"Come on over, take a squiz." Chase reassured Koda.

"A squiz?" We all asked Chase, about his New Zealand lingo.

"You know, take a look." Chase tried explaining to us. "Sometimes I wonder if I am even speaking English."

"Us too." I answered to his comment.

"Take a look Koda, it's got everything from laster blasters to energy scanners." Chase explained to Koda. "Plus, I look really good on it." He revved it up again and Koda seemingly sensed danger and hit the front wheel with his stick. Shelby calmed him down because she was closest.

"Easy, relax Koda." Shelby reassured Koda.

"Sorry, instincts say danger." Koda apologized.

"No apologies. I totally get it, where you're from anything that makes a strange sound is a threat." Shelby told him, putting her hand on his shoulder. Suddenly, Shelby's phone started ringing and Koda turned around quickly and smashed the phone with the stick he was holding, leaving all of us in shock from his fast reflexes.

"I sorry Shelby, I..." Koda apologized to Shelby.

"No apologies mate, she totally gets it." Chase said and we all gave him a  'shut-up' look. Kendall walked over to Koda.

"He's grown accustomed to morphing into a ranger, but..." Kendall started.

"Some modern things still give me nervous." Koda tried to explain to us. Chase walked over to Koda.

"Look, you just need a few pointers. I've ridden everything from roller coasters to kangaroos. If anybody can teach you to ride, it's me." Chase said and the two were about to leave, until Riley stopped him.

"Whoa. Whoa. Wait a second..." He started. "There aren't any kangaroos in New Zealand, those are in Australia." Riley corrected him.

"Ah details, let's give it a go." Chase told us and walked out with Koda. While the others did their own things, I stayed in the lab area and looked over notes with Kendall about how all of our energems were found and the other dinosaurs that Keeper told us about, the ones that the other energems bonded to. We were discussing ways to try and find the other energems. My dino com went off. I pulled it out of my back pocket and pushed the button to answer the call.

"Go for Alexa." I answered, not bothering to see who was calling me.

"Hey, could you come down to the park. I'm having some trouble teaching Koda how to ride. Since you're a BMX expert, I figured you'd help me." Chase explained, after his face popped up on the small screen.

"Alright, I'll be over there soon." I told him after Kendall nodded, telling me that I was free to go help him and she would be able to continue with her experiments without me. I grabbed my pale yellow bike and I clipped my matching helmet to my head. As soon as I was by the loading dock, I climbed on my bike and rode off towards the park. I finally reached the park and found Chase teaching Koda how to stay steady in the bike, even if it did have training wheels on it. "How's it going?" I asked, riding over to them slowly.

"Pretty good. Koda can now balance on the bike now." Chase replied and Koda smiled and nodded. I grinned.

"Great. Koda, you should be able to ride now." I said, turning my bike around so I was right next to the caveman. "Watch how I move my feet." I instructed him and started to pedal extremely slowly. After about riding forward about a few feet, I stopped and looked back at Koda. "Now you try."

"I don't know Alexa." Koda said.

"Just give it a try mate." Chase encouraged.

"Okay. I try." Koda said and started to shakily ride the bike towards me. Slowly but surely, Koda caught up to me and Chase and I rode next to him slowly, making sure he got the hang of the new skill we were trying to teach him.

"Very good. Keep it smooth, my man. I mean, caveman." Chase encouraged Koda, while we rode next to Koda. He was doing great for a first time and being a caveman, he was just a bit shaky steering the bike and keeping the front wheel straight.

"See, your getting a hang of it now." I added. Suddenly, a group of kids passed by us. All of them were laughing at Koda. "Hey!" I shouted at them over my shoulder after I stopped riding for a second. Chase had stopped as well. We realized that Koda hadn't stopped riding and we turned around quickly and before we could warn him; Koda accidentally hit the curb with his bike and toppled off of the bike into the grass. Koda sat up and spit the grass out of his mouth. I cringed.

"How about we take a break?" Chase suggested. I nodded, agreeing with him.

"Good call." I said and we helped Koda off of the ground and we all sat down on a nearby bench.

"No worries mate. It takes time to figure it out." Chase told Koda, as we watched the park life. I unclipped my helmet and set it in the basket of my bike, that was resting against the side of the bench.

"It's not just uh... bike. It many things I not use to." Koda started. "Uh, like TV, uh... Comb. And, and glass." Koda explained. Chase and I flinched as we imagined Koda hitting glass doors face first.

"Yeah. This is a new and strange world for you." I said. "But right here, right now, Koda you don't have to worry about anything." A group of two girls walked by us, checking out Chase and Koda as they walked past us.

"Expect, looking good for the ladies." Chase said, smiling at the girls.

"Yes, look good for-" Koda started but cut himself off when the automatic sprinklers went off. Koda jumped back behind the bench and we both stood up to aid our friend.

"Relax, they're just sprinklers." I reassured him. Once Koda was back up on his feet, he pulled his energem out from underneath his shirt.

"Why would blue energem choose me?" Koda asked, doubting himself. Before I could tell him to stop doubting himself, Koda said something else. "Duck!" Koda shouted in attempt to warn us, and he jumped out of the way. Before Chase and I could react, blue cages were dropped on us, trapping us. Chase and I shared one look and saw another cage heading in Koda's way.

"Koda, behind you!" Chase warned the caveman as we were teleported away from the park.

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