Chapter Twenty: The Royal Rangers: Part I

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Alexa's Outfit:

Riley, Chase and I awaited the truck to get to the loading dock so we could get the Treasures of Zandar exhibit that was going to be here for the next week or so up and running

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Riley, Chase and I awaited the truck to get to the loading dock so we could get the Treasures of Zandar exhibit that was going to be here for the next week or so up and running. The truck pulled in and Chase called Tyler and Koda. Riley and I started to unload the truck. Tyler and Koda soon joined us and we all got all of the crates in one place to take back to the lecture hall later. While Tyler and I were unloading more crates from the truck, Shelby walked towards us, looking a bit defeated. "Is Jullian going to get a show?" Tyler asked Shelby as she approached the two of us.

"No. That guy lives and breathes for his art, he just needs a break." Shelby said and we carried the boxes towards the others.

"We'll find a way to get Jullian his break. We'll think of something." I tried reassuring Shelby. She only gave me a weak smile, sad about not being able to do something for her friend so he could follow his dream.

"Aye, look at this." Chase pointed out after he pulled off a tarp from something. We walked around to see a poster with a knight standing tall with a sword in hand. In the corner of the poster was written 'The Stone of Zandar.'

"Wow, this exhibit has the stone of Zandar!" Riley said, a bit in awe.

"What's that?" Shelby asked.

"Well, if you believe the legends... It all started with the knight Sir Ivan and when he found the stone." Riley started to explain, motioning to the knight on the poster who was Sir Ivan.

"Knights are so cool." Chase commented.

"So what happen?" Koda asked, urging Riley to continue with the story.

"Well, supposedly hundreds of years ago the young prince of Zandar was being escorted by Sir Ivan. Then the prince demanded Sir Ivan to get him some water-" Riley started but I cut him off this time.

"Ugh, just because he's a prince doesn't mean he can't say please." I cut Riley off, pointing out my disliking for spoiled royalty.

"Amen sister." Shelby muttered next to me.

"That's not the point of the story." Riley told Shelby and I. "Anyways, while they were stopped to get some water. The knight saw something shimmering in the creek. He reached out only to find-" Riley was cut off once more by Koda shushing him and the screeching sound of some animal.

"Shh... Sounds like big eagle." Koda said and the screeching got closer and louder. We knew that couldn't be a eagle. We ran in the direction of the noise, wanting to know what made that noise. We ran out and saw lightning strike down from the sky. On this sunny day, we knew it had to be the Ptera zord.

"That's no eagle." Shelby pointed out.

"That's the Ptera zord." Riley finished her thought, as we watched the Ptera zord fly around.

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