Chapter Seven: Return of the Caveman: Part II

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Chase and I tried morphing, calling Kendall and the others, and breaking the cages. But something was keeping us from doing so. I groaned and rested my head on the bars of the cage. There was a sound of another cage land in the cave we were trapped in. "Koda!" Chase said with some relief in his voice. Koda tried to bend the bars of the cage with his caveman strength. "We tried everything, even morphing. But we can't." Chase informed our friend.

"Even you can't bend the bars..." I said with dismay. I saw someone else in the cage with Koda.

"Who's the kid?" Chase asked. Koda turned around and knelt down by the kid, who seemed to be crying judging by the tear streaks down his face.

"You okay?" Koda asked while taking the helmet off of his head. The boy shook his head, while holding his leg.

"My leg, I think it's broken." The boy replied.

"Koda, look. The cage landed on the bike." I pointed out a possible place of escape for the two of them. "Maybe you guys can get out." Koda pushed the bike out of the way and it revealed a dent in the cage. He slid out himself and turned to the boy and helped him out, carefully.

"Careful. Don't hit leg." Koda informed the boy. Once the boy was out of the cage, he rested back on a rock.

"Nice work on getting out, but this cave is too dark..." Chase started but trailed off when he saw Koda start a fire and he made a torch.

"Wow." The boy said and I smiled.

"You've gotta teach me how to do that mate." Chase told Koda.

"What is your name?" Koda asked the boy.

"Peter." He replied.

"Peter, can you hold torch?" Koda asked and Peter nodded. He held on to the torch while Koda check his leg. "He need doctor." Koda informed us. He ripped off part of his shirt and started to tie it around Peter's leg with a couple sticks to create a makeshift sling to support Peter's leg until Koda is able to get him to a doctor.

"Let's try this again." I mumbled and pulled out my Dino com. "Kendall? Can anyone hear me? Is anyone out there?" I asked. I checked the signal on the Dino com and saw that something was jamming it. "There's some type of field jamming our equipment. We've got to get out of this cave if we want to call anyone or morph." I explained to Koda and Chase. Koda picked up Peter and Peter got settled on his back.

"Which way?" Peter asked. Koda held up the torch.

"The wind show us." Koda replied. The wind blew the flame back, Koda pointed in the direction where the wind came from. "We go this way." Koda walked past Chase's cage and paused. He looked back at us. "I get Peter out, then come back." Koda explained to us what's going through his head. I nodded.

"Good luck." Chase wished him and Koda left us, to go find a way out.

"Might as well get comfortable." I said and I settled down on the ground, leaning back on the cage bars and faced Chase's cage. Chase did the same.

Meanwhile, Back at the Cafe
Tyler's POV
Shelby, Riley and I were busy cleaning up the cafe when suddenly Kendall walked in, looking more stressed then usual. "Alexa, Chase and Koda are all late." Kendall informed us.

"Koda doesn't know what time is." Riley started.

"And Chase is always late." Shelby said.

"It's weird for Lexa. She's almost always on time. If she knows she's gonna be late she would call us." I added, furrowing my eyebrows.

"They are also not answering their Dino coms either." Kendall added, lowering her voice at the end. We all looked at each other worried. "Tyler and Riley take the Dino cycles out. Their scanners will help you guys cover more ground. Shelby and I will try and track their dino coms." Kendall instructed us. I nodded.

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