Chapter Forteen: Let the Sleeping Zords Lie: Part I

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Digs were great, only if it wasn't a burning hot day like it is today. I pulled a hair tie off of my wrist and pulled my hair back into a messy high ponytail. I continued to carefully chip away dirt from some bones that I found. "Man it sure is hot out." Riley commented, bringing more supplies to us.

"How 'bout you lend a hand?" Chase shouted and we looked up and followed his gaze to see that he was talking to Shelby. She's always wanted to go on digs, and now that she's on one, she's doing something else at the tent.

"Follow me for a sec." Shelby started and walked out of the tent area with a cup in her hand. I stood up from my crouched position. "Keeper gave 11 energems to 11 different dinosaurs, right?" I nodded confirming her thoughts, but I have no idea where she is going with this.

"Of course!" Koda exclaimed. "Wait... I... uh... what?" Koda asked, confused as he scratched his head. Tyler chuckled a bit at Koda's random outburst. None of us had a clue where she was going with this.

"We found 6 energems but 5 are still lost. Those energems will only be found with the fossils of the pterodactyl, ankylosaurus, pachysaurus, plesiosaurus and titanosaurus. We shouldn't look here just because we've found bones here before." Shelby explained. I nodded, her plan actually made sense. But where would we start to look?

"Okay then, where should we look then?" Tyler asked, voicing my question.

"I don't know exactly where..." Shelby answered. She turns around and walks to the tent again, to look at what she's been working on for the past few hours. "But I have an idea." Shelby spoke up. "Check this out." We all walked towards the tent to see her plans that she's been thinking of. We all gather around the table. "If we combine the known areas with the remaining dinosaurs of where they lived with the energy signals of each dinosaur's energem then we can pinpoint places more accurately to find them." Shelby answered, showing us her plan.

"Energy signatures?" Koda asked and he turned to Chase. "What is Shelby saying?"

"She just doesn't like getting dirty." Chase commented.

"No, what I'm saying is that we need to work smarter. Not harder." Shelby started and I picked up my cup of water for a drink. I noticed right away that my cup was way lighter then they should be if it's supposed to be filled with water. I flipped my cup upside down and no water came out of it. Not even one drop.

"Yeah, actually she might be right about the energy signatures." Riley spoke up, while looking over Shelby's plan. "But how would you ever develop a tracker like that?" Riley asked Shelby. She sits down in her chair and takes a sip out of a different cup of water. Well, that solves the mystery of the missing water from our cups.

"Hey..." Tyler started.

"You finished all of our drinks?" Chase asked in disbelief.

"What? It's really hot out here." Shelby answered. I sighed and set my cup down on the table.

"Yeah, we noticed." I told her.

"Shelby drink like camel." Koda comments.

"Can we at least test my theory?" Shelby asked and I shifted the paper so I could look at it right ways and not upside down. There was silence from all of us, my silence was only because I don't even know how we'd be able to test her theory anyways, the silence from the boys was because they doubted her plan. "Fine then." Shelby starts and stands up. "I don't need anything from any of you." Shelby says and starts to walk away from us, but she stops mid-step. "Lex, I need you to drive me back. I forgot my license in my room." She said, completely contradicting what she said a few moments ago. I nodded.

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