Chapter Nine: Breaking Black: Part II

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We were finally back in command center. Keeper was checking out Chase, to see what happened to him back when we were fighting Spellbinder. Tyler and Riley were with Kendall to see what she was working on to help us fight Spellbinder, while Shelby was checking out my injury that I gained in my room. She just finished wrapping a bandage around my chest. My bow had hit me under my collarbone on my right side. It left a nasty burn that Shelby managed to clean up. Luckily, she was able to handle the grossness, growing up as the only girl with brothers. Shelby helped me slip my shirt over my head. She handed me a few painkillers that weren't drowsy so I wouldn't be able to feel the pain. I took the small pill with water. "Be careful when we figure out how to stop Spellbinder, okay?" Shelby told me and I nodded.

"Got it." I replied and we both walked back out to the lab area. Shelby walked over to Kendall and I walked over to where Chase, Keeper and Koda were. I was concerned about Chase, he's like an older brother to me. In the background, I could hear Kendall explaining to the others how the new Dino Spike charger worked that she created.

"Just know, it takes all six rangers to use the Dino Spike." Kendall reminded them.

"There is indeed something wrong here." Keeper spoke up as the others joined us.

"Ah, it's in my head. I feel like I'm loosing control of myself." Chase explained in annoyance. Koda and I glanced at each other, concerned for our friend. "Whatever Spellbinder hit me with seemed to go away when I was on my skateboard." Chase informed us.

"The spell will grow stronger until it controls you completely." Keeper enlightened us.

"Is there something we can do Keeper?" Riley asked.

"Perhaps if you knew the origin of the pendant..." Keeper started.

"Moana." Chase recalled and he stood up. Shelby put her hands on Chase's shoulder and made him sit back down again.

"You mean lady of black magic?" Koda questioned.

"It's not black magic. Trust me, Moana is on our side." Chase told us.

"Stay here, we'll figure out a way to break the spell." Tyler told Chase and we all nodded in agreement to reassure Chase that we will figure this out. "We'll be back as soon as possible." We all rushed out and towards Moana's shop. We finally reached the shop and walked in. We found Moana and explained to her what the pendant had done to Chase, leaving out major facts like we're rangers. She agreed to help us out quickly. She wiped out a book with lots of drawings and information about the things she acquired over the years from New Zealand. She finally flipped to the page with a drawing of the pendant on it.

"This is the pendant that was stolen from me. It was forged from the darkest, evil corner of New Zealand." Moana clarified to us. "Destroy it or soon Chase is going to forget that he's your friend and he will turn against you." Moana explained, killing any last hopes we had for Chase not actually accidentally hurting any of us.

"We have a weapon that might be strong enough, but it won't work without Chase." Tyler explained to Moana.

"If he can focus, Chase can push the spell from his mind long enough to use your weapon." Moana said. I sighed.

"I doubt it." Riley snorted.

"Chase has the attention span of a flea." Shelby added.

"Long ago, your friend Chase proved to me that he can focus very deeply. Even in the most dire situation. It happened one day as I was closing up my shop..." Moana began. She explained to us how one day she was closing up her shop, her baby stroller had started rolling down the hill when she let go of it for a moment to lock up. Apparently, Chase had noticed and heard Moana's cry of distress. He saw the baby stroller roll down the hill and he took off on his skateboard. Chase skated quickly to get to the baby stroller. But it had eventually stopped in the middle of the road, about to be hit by a truck. He had flipped on his skateboard and grabbed the bundle inside of the stroller. Chase had delivered the bundle to Moana and Moana reveled it to be her beloved cat. To thank him, Moana dragged Chase back into the shop and gifted something to him for his courage. She gifted him the black energem and it quickly bonded to him and began his adventures of the black ranger.

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