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A day passed, and tomorrow we'd reach the Fire Nation and I'd be proven guilty and either killed or thrown into the dungeon. I bit my lip to stop it from trembling and I hugged my knees, warning myself not to cry. Suddenly, I heard a clang under my cell and my head snapped up.

"I told you!" I yelled, "I don't have anything to do with the Avatar!" Suddenly, a black gloved hand spiraled behind me through the bars at the back and clamped over my mouth. I stifled a scream. Hey, it was instinct. I wasn't the screaming type girl but it happened. It was rare, but it happened.

My eyes wide with terror, I sat frozen until I heard the words, "Don't scream and I'll let you go," a raspy voice muttered in my ear.

I nodded and the hand slipped away through the bars. I whipped around and got my fists ready to punch fire.

"Stop!" the intruder hissed. I still couldn't see the person, but I knew it was a male. The voice was low and slightly raspy, but not in an unattractive way. It sounded nice. "I'm not going to hurt you. Just don't scream when I show you myself."

"Okay," I said warily, but I didn't lower my fists.

It was really hard not to yell or shout, but I managed to hold it in. All I knew was that whoever my savior was wore a blue mask and black clothing, covered from head to toe. He was holding two swords in each of his hands.

Swiping the swords, the lock cracked open and landed with a clang. The door swung open, and I was pulled out of the horrid cell. It was hard for me to stand at first because of the number of days I'd been sitting, without any walking or excersize, but I managed. I stretched out my arms and legs and took a few steps.

"Who are you?" I asked as he pulled my arm.

"Does it really matter? Don't you want to get out of here?" The masked boy said, yanking my arm again.

"Yeah, of course, but—whoa!" I gasped as he started running. I followed him, running and stumbling, unable to balance myself fully. I swear, even through the mask I could feel his anger.

He dodged and ducked behind barrels, and suddenly, he stopped, and I smashed into his back. I clutched my nose, frozen for a second.

"Come on!" Hee grabbed my shoulders and pushed me behind a crate. "Guards are coming. Don't. Move," he ordered.

I nodded and squished behind the box, next to the masked boy.


She was not at all what he'd been expecting. She wore the same clothes he'd seen Katara last wear; the traditional Water Tribe clothing, but her hair was loose. The depth and kindness in her eyes reminded him of Katara, yet she was too different than her.

Along with the kindness there was an untamed fire fueled with sadness, anger and disappointment.

She was the perfect firebender; dark, straight black hair and eyes, fair skin and wild spirit. But through her eyes he could almost feel that she wasn't like the normal firebender—she was much, much different. Her heart wasn't cold but blazing with warmness and she didn't look arrogant.

She was easy to get to, he also noticed. She looked unsure of her destiny and wavered in what she stood for. Easy to . . . manipulate, you'd say.

Footsteps walked past them, bringing back Zuko from his thoughts, and he noticed there were two guards, talking and laughing.

"Stay back," he whispered, when before the girl could even react, he pulled out his two swords with a clang and jumped. She heard metal clang against metal and she winced slightly as she heard a slam and a groan.

"Come on," Zuko appeared again and stretched out his hand, and began to run once she was on her feet. He wasn't planning on tell her who she was until they reached his own ship.


The Mask stopped again, slicing his swords against the air and smashing his two feet into the chest of another guard.

The next thing I knew, we were jumping out of a door and into the ocean below, alarms blazing above our heads.

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