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Everyone was sleeping. I had to go. I stood up, slowly creeping away. 



I snuck past Appa and Momo who were snoring. I walked slowly. And then I ran.


An explosion shook Aang awake. "Everyone!" Aang yelled, "Get out!"

Everyone was already out, Katara whipped out her waterskin and snapped the water out. Sokka picked up his sword, and Toph stomped her foot, bringing up a chunk of rock.

And then Katara saw the attacker. 

A big man with a metal arm and a metal leg, and an eye right in the center of his forehead.

Before Katara, Sokka, Aang, or Toph  could react, the man took a deep breath.

"Take cover!" Sokka yelled. 

And a beam of light burst from his third eye, smashing Ayame's tent to smithereens.


I ran into a dead end twice. Where was that freaking statue? I grabbed a windowledge and leaped over it, on top of the house.

Right in front of me, a meters away, houses away, five minutes of running away.

Ready, set, go.


Toph opened the ground below Aang and he fell into it. Then she closed it. "He doesn't exist."

"Get Ayame out of the tent, or, what's left of her." Sokka winced. "I'll distract Sparky Sparky Boom Man."

"Who?" Katara asked.

"Three eyed guy." Sokka wiggled his fingers.

"Figure out a different name. Puh-lease," Toph called.

Katara ran to Ayame's tent, pulling apart strips of cloth, praying for the best. She gasped.

It was empty, except for a small pouch. She grabbed it and ran out. "She's not in there."

"Well then. Get on Appa! I'll get him out of here!" Sokka started running.

"Oh, nice, evasive maneuvers!" Katara yelled after him sarcastically. "Toph, let Aang out and get on Appa."


I saw her sitting there, her legs crossed over each other. A smirk was permanently plastered on her face. It was so quiet.

I jumped off the roof, landing in front of her.

"I knew you'd show up," she said.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Sit here." She patted the little bench behind her. Her lips were red and her hair was pulled up into a bun I'd always seen her in.

"Why would you think I'd suddenly trust you?" I said, taking a step back.

"What," she rolled her eyes, "Are you afraid of me?"

"No. You're a cruel person, you know that?"

She laughed. "You think I haven't been told that? What," she scoffed, "still mourning over your friend? Well he's not coming back so why don't you get over it."

I stared at her. "You're cold."

"Oh yeah." She snapped her fingers and a dark blue flame appeared. "how much do you wanna bet?"

"I don't have to bet to know." I scowled. "Look, I came here for information. If you're not going to give it, I'm leaving." I turned to walk away, when suddenly I felt her fingers wrap around my upper arm.

"You came for information, you get information."


They escaped on Appa, leaving Sparky Sparky Boom Man way below.

"He was looking for Ayame," Aang said, gulping. "Why, exactly?"

"He was tracking her," Toph said.

"And how do you know that?" Sokka said. "And why wasn't she in her tent?"

"Because." Katara looked up, horrified. "I think she knew he was coming." And in her hands were tiny little pieces of paper covered in writing. "They're letters."

"From?" Sokka and Aang asked.


"So basically . . . " Aang trailed off in disbelief.

"She's a traitor."

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