28| New Friend

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We stayed at the boy's house, who introduced himself as Xiaoli. We also learned that the woman wasn't his mother but his aunt, and they weren't that close.

I slept roughly that night, tired and worn out from the fight.

"Zuko, we're leaving today," I said in the morning.

"Yeah, I was going to suggest that too," Zuko agreed.

"Can I suggest something?" Xiaoli said.

"Yeah," I nodded, leaning back on my chair.

"Can I come with you guys? Only if you want, though. I can help you guys since I'm an earthbender and I'm actually from around here. Only if you want, though," he repeated. He looked at his hands, avoiding our eyes.

I looked at Zuko who set his jaw. I nodded and Zuko rubbed his face. I shrugged and he rolled his eyes. Then I raised my hands and he finally nodded against his will.

I didn't make him do it, I swear.

"Yes, Li," I said.

He looked up, absolutely happy. "My mother used to call me Li," he said sadly.

"What happened to your parents?" I asked.

"The Fire Nation took them from me."

Zuko looked so uncomfortable I felt bad for him. Xiaoli actually looked as if he didn't know who Zuko was.

"Xiaoli, do you know his name?" I asked, nodding towards Zuko.

"I actually don't..." Li trailed off. "That's weird."

Zuko looked as if he wanted to hide under the table. I gave him a reassuring smile.

"His name is Zuko," I said.

Xiaoli dropped the berry he was eating and gripped the edge of his chair.

"Prince Zuko?" Li repeated.

"Yes. But he's different now, I can assure you," I said, touching Li's shoulder.

"I know," Li smiled. "I trust you, Prince Zuko."

"You dont have to say 'prince'," I mumbled.

Xiaoli started laughing and Zuko let out a sigh, relieved.

Xiaoli didn't have to argue with his aunt to leave, she let him go as soon as he asked.

He packed as we waited for him outside.

"Do you want him to come?" I asked Zuko, watching him warily. The prince crossed his arms over his chest, exhaling.

"He seems like a nice guy."

I punched Zuko's arm. "Seriously? You're saying that?" I laughed.

I saw Li appearing from behind the house. He was holding the ropes of three large ostrich horses, leading them towards us. He jumped on the saddle of one, his bags tied to the sides.

I turned to Zuko. "See, I told you he would be helpful."

Zuko rolled his eyes and told me to get on one of the large birds.

"Thanks so much, Li!" I squealed, jumping onto one of their backs and grabbing into the reigns. "Um . . . Someone teach me to ride this thing."

Li slid off his ostrich and taught me to steer it as Zuko waited impatiently on his. Then Li handed me a straw hat similar to his and Zuko's and we set off.


"So you all are heading towards Ba Sing Se?" Li asked after about half an hour of riding.

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