64| Crash

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Someone shook me awake.

"Wake up, miss!"

I sat up, my hair ruffled. I wiped the trail of drool off the corner of my lip and groaned. "What is it?"

"You've slept too late. Again," she informed me with a smile.

"I'll be up in a minute." I waved a dismissive hand in the air and plopped back down on the pillow. She nodded and exited the room.

I hadn't gotten any sleep last night. Besides the fact that the pain from my busted knuckles was keeping me awake, I was also up late thinking about my Gran, even shedding a few tears. I wondered where she'd be, how she was doing . . . What she thought of me. Surely she'd want to know where I was.

I wanted to send her a letter, but I didn't have Sokka's stupid bird around. I wanted to ask Zuko, but I couldn't bring myself to. And Azula definitely wasn't around for me to ask.

My heart gave a slight jerk of longing. How long had it been since I'd last talked to her?

So, so long.

I put a hand over my heart, inhaling and exhaling to try to soothe the sudden pain. I shook my head as if to shake the idea away, and then jumped off my bed with a smile.

Would she even be satisfied with where I was? and more importantly, who I was?

I couldn't bring myself to think about it. I just walked over to the mirror, placed both of my palms flat on the cool wood and looked up at my reflection.

This is who you are now.


Zuko stared at his reflection in the mirror of his room.

another visit to his uncle gone terribly wrong.

He wanted to talk about it to someone, but with whom? Who was going to care? Who could he trust with the fact that he indeed was secretly making trips to visit his poor, traitorous uncle?

Zuko reflection laughed at him.

"Are you sure he's the traitor?"

Zuko turned his face away. "Maybe if he loved me he would've supported my decision."

"He took you in, Zuko. He gave up his life to take you in as his son. You owe him, but you're too selfish and egotistic to admit iteven to yourself."

Zuko turned around and marched out of his room, angered that he was being bullied by his own self.


Zuko was in the hallway when I came out of my room.

"Ayame," he greeted cautiously. "Where are you going?"

"I'm not really sure," I shrugged. "Not really in the mood to sulk in my room."

"Why would you sulk?" he asked.

"Does it matter?" I knew I sounded harsh. But being harsh meant him staying away. Him staying away would be a slight relief to the dull ache in my chest.

A muscle jumped in his jaw. "Yes."

"I'm just waiting for Azula to get back tomorrow, okay?"

I tried to walk past him but his arm shot out and grabbed mine, and when I looked up to meet his eyes I could tell by his eyes he wasn't sure why he did it. "What?"

"Ayame," was all he said for a few seconds. We just stared at each other as the silence hung in the air, and then he finally said, clearing his throat and letting my arm drop, "Please. Be careful. Azula isn't who you think she is. She has so many personalities—"

I scowled deeply. If he was still holding on to my arm I would've yanked it away by now.

"You're not my mother. you're not my father. Hell, you're not even related to me. You have no authority over me whatsoever. So keep it to yourself." I pointed to my chest. "She took me in. She welcomed me. Why can't you just be happy for once and stop being so demanding?" Zuko looked like he'd been slapped in the face.

He looked so, so hurt. If I could take my words back, oh dear lord I would. I would take it all back.

"But I didn't mean—I was just warning you—"

"There's no storm yet, Zuko. Even the clouds haven't appeared yet. Don't worry about me," I said a little gentler, but firm enough."When you see the gray in the sky, let me know." and then I walked away, leaving him in the dust, with only one thing in mind.

Storms were never planned.

The next day, I was peering out the window, rubbing my hands together in my lap, biting my lip. Azula was returning today. My decision had to be made . . . today.

She was a bit late. I wasn't even dressed properly yet. I'd worn my old clothes I'd stolen with the gang so long ago.

I walked to the door, jittery with nervousness and poked my head out into the hallway.

And that's when I heard the crash.

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