12| Agni Kai

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I whipped around, blushing, embarrased to be caught in Zuko's room by Zuko himself. He looked furious with me, but I tried to play it off.

"What are you doing in here?" he repeated, and I could see he was trying to keep his temper under control.

I didn't know what to say. Yet I said something so stupid I must've looked like the biggest idiot in the world.

"I thought I . . . heard a boarcuepine in here and I wanted to see if everything was okay." I mentally kicked myself and squeezed my eyes shut, biting my lip. Damn it, Ayame.

He raised his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"You know," I continued, even though my mind was telling me to shut up, "It's a mix between the two extinct animals; porcupines and boars." I pinched myself, a cue to shut up. "There are also pighedges—"

"Wait, what are you even—I know what a boarcuepi—"

"You do? Well, that's good. You know, there are also lizconda's—"

"What?" Zuko facepalmed. "Who— What are you even—get out!" he pointed at the door. "Now."

"Gladly," I mumbled. I walked out, rolling my eyes.

"Just stay out of my room!" he fumed. "This is my personal—"

"Really? I had no idea," I mocked, resting my hand on the doorframe.

Zuko raised his eyebrows, clearly angered and confused that I dared talk to him that way.

Suddenly, someone rested their hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to find the old man looking down at me, and suddenly I realized who it was.

Iroh. Zuko's uncle.

"Hey," I muttered.

"Hello, Izuki," he nodded in his lazy but cheery drawl. "What seems to be the problem?" He turned to Zuko.

"She came into my room without permission," Zuko splayed out his arms, clearly aggravated.

"And I'm leaving aren't I?" I said, irritated. "Or is that too much to get through your tiny royal—"

"Enough!" Zuko yelled, and I was sort of glad he cut me off. Fire appeared in his hands like daggers, and I crossed my arms over my chest, my glare daring him to throw it at me. "You." He pointed at me, his teeth clenched, "Agni Kai. Sunset."

Uncle Iroh spit tea all over the place but luckily I sheilded myself and wasn't hit.

"An Agni Kai? Izuki, are you sure you want to do this? Agni Kai's are dangerous, usually done when huge arguments can not come to an agreement," Uncle Iroh said. "Especially fighting with Zuko. He's been trained by the best."

I didn't look at him at first because I wasn't used to my fake name, Izuki. I liked Ayame, my real name, or Mei, better.

"Izuki?" Iroh repeated, and I turned towards him, snapping into reality.

"Yes? Oh, yes, I'm ready to take him down. He'll never get past me. I have tricks under my sleeves that you'll never guess. And besides, this argument will never come to an end and only get bigger," I said through a smirk at Zuko.

"Okay then, may I offer you some tea before it starts?" Iroh asked, grinning broadly and holding up a tea kettle.

I nodded. "Of course."

"Not in here," Zuko warned, and we ran out faster than you could say 'Agni'.


Iroh looked forward to the Agni Kai. He watched closely how Izuki, or whatever her name was, reacted to everything. She was daring yet senseless, full of rage and utter boldness like a firebender, but she had this smooth touch to her where she could wriggle out of any problem with an easy flow. Her reflexes were quick, when he had accidently spit the tea she had jumped out of the way before it hit her, or either the water slowed down for her which was impossible.

She looked extremely familiar like someone he'd known in the past, but he just couldn't remember.

But he liked one thing about her; she was one of the only people who got on Zuko's nerves and took risks like that. No one, no one except Azula could do that.

Meanwhile, Zuko paced his room, infuriated. Who was she? She was too different that anyone he'd ever met before. But he'd show her who was boss in the Agni Kai that would take place later today. He had to practice.


I had to win this to show that I wasn't a careless brat. I agree, I was being senseless and stupid earlier, but that wasn't how I always was.

I stood in front of the table in my room, brushing my hair and tying it out of my face. Then I took a step back, readied my fists, and punched.

Fire exploded against the wall as I twirled on my right leg and twisted my left leg, kicking out another flame ball, followed by my right leg, attacking the wall with furios bursts of fire. I stood tall, letting my hands from at my sides, my fists uncurling, my hair loose.

I was ready.

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