79| I'm Letting Go

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I backed away from the door.

"Mei, are you okay?" Zuko reached for me, but I didn't let him touch me. It was her. That monster. That evil thing.

Ty Lee dashed up the wire the gondola hung from while Azula's inferno neared us. She grabbed onto the rope, swinging across. I heard her boots slam into onto the roof, the entire thing shaking.

"You stay here, Ayame," Zuko said, swinging out the window. What did he think I was—five?

I watched as Suki and Sokka climb out, Hakoda holding onto the Warden to make sure he didn't escape. I tried to follow them, but Hakoda told me to stop.

"Ayame! Stay here," he said.


"Because Zuko ordered you to. Always listen to orders."

The gondola rocked back and forth, making me loose my balance. I slipped, crashing onto the Warden who took the chance to sit on top of me, sliding the dagger out of my pocket.

"No!" I yelled. Too late. He cut off the rope tied to his hands and hopped up, ripping off the gag. Hakoda grabbed him before he could do any further damage. The gondola rocked again.

"Hakoda, I need to be up there," I said. He nodded.

"Do what you have to."

"Hold on to that guy," I pointed at the Warden, and then I stood on the edge of the window, pulling myself up, my legs swinging. I turned around, my eyes scanning the battlefield. Suki and Ty Lee were perfectly matched. On the other side was Zuko against Azula, Sokka backing him up.

Azula whipped her leg in the air, delivering a roundhouse kick that was so fast, it hit Zuko in the chest. He fell back with the force, while Sokka lunged out with his meteorite sword, almost slicing her throat. Azula landed on the edge, hanging. She pulled herself with her arms, twisted her legs around, and started to kick blazing bolts of blue fire.

I leaped onto Sokka's back, pushing him down as it skimmed his shirt, the sleeve catching on fire. He yelled, "get it off me!" He waves his arm around. I looked around frantically for a source of water.

There is water all around you. Hama had said those words, closing her eyes.

I closed my eyes, breathing in softly. And then I felt the water droplets hanging loosely in the air. I rotated my arms in a fluid movement, pulling all the mist out of the air, and soaked Sokka's sleeve. Using the water, I spun around, bracing my legs, and aimed it at Azula. The water froze, turning into a sharp icicle. And I pushed.

Time seemed to freeze. She leaned sideways slowly, unsuspecting, and I found myself—at the very last second—flicking my wrist. It changed course completely, turning at a ninety degree angle.

Zuko looked right at me, surprise. The milisecond of his surprise cost him his balance. Azula bent down, swiping her leg across the floor. electric blue fire dropped Zuko to his knees. Her smile made a shiver run down my spine.

"Azula. Don't you dare touch any of my friends," I warned.

"Or what?" she asked. "What are you going to do about it? You've already shown that you can't defeat me. Tears won't help this time, sweetheart."

"Hya!" I yelled, triple-punching and ending it with a double kick. She dodged every single one of these. Zuko stepped forward, but I raised my hand. "This is my fight."

Zuko didn't argue. He stayed behind me as I focused on Azula, breathing heavily. Her dark hair spilled over her shoulders, her painted lips stretched into a sadistic smile. She was beautiful—a beautiful nightmare.

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