38| Xen and Yen

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I was gripping Zian's arm the whole time. The place was huge, themed emerald and gold. Everything was so royal and suddenly, with a pang, I realized I'd never been to a palace before.

When we entered, there were so many people I wanted to shrink behind him. Xen walked around, looking superior, her head held high. At one point she pulled Zian away, whisking him away from me and drowning in a crowd of people. I stood there, confused and slightly terrified.

"Hey," someone said behind me. I whipped around, stiffening and looking for a source of water anywhere. "What's a pretty girl like you doing alone here?"

I frowned. "Excuse me, sir—" I said, looking up to find the most gorgeous blue eyes I'd ever seen in my life. "Oh."

The owner of the most beautiful blue eyes looked down at me. "Sorry if I scared you," he laughed, flicking his dark hair out of his eyes. "Are you looking for someone?"

"I . . . I—uh—huh?" I sputtered, nearly tripping over my own feet.

Asa"Um . . . Want a drink of water?" He asked, an amused smile flitting across his lips.

"I'm . . . Ayame." I muttered, trying to regain my thoughts.

"And I'm Yen, but that wasn't my question."

I blushed, and he held out an arm. "Want to dance?"

"uh . . . " Suddenly, I snapped into reality and frowned. "No thanks. I've got . . . things, to do." I turned away, but he grabbed my arm, spinning me around, slamming into his chest.

"Well that's a shame." He smirked, and put a foul smelling cloth over my face. "I know why you're here, girl. And there is no way I'm letting you get to them."


"Help!" I screamed, slamming my fists against the metal bars. "Stupid, stupid." I slumped against the wall of the holding cell and punched it. I can't believe I fell for that idiot. While I was knocked out, unable to fight, he brought me here. And I was stuck somewhere underground. "Help," I groaned.

"I know who you are," a voice said from a spot where I couldn't see him.

"Yeah you already said that, major jerk face," I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest and sitting criss cross. My hair was open now, tumbling over my shoulders and I had angrily rubbed the make-up off my face.

"You're after the Avatar," Yen said and I glared at his face as he came in front of me.

"Who told you?"

"A little birdy named Xen."

"Yen and Xen, eh? What're you guys, soulmates?" I snorted. "Named at the same time? Destined?"

"Shut up." He scowled. "She'll be here any minute—"

Who do you work for?" I asked, crossing my legs, suddenly interested.

"It's not your problem," he said gruffly.

I pouted, and then looked at my lap. "Okay."

"The Dai Li," he blurted, and then rubbed his temples as if annoyed with me. "It's none of your business."

"So what do they do?"

"They're earth benders and they bring peace to Ba Sing Se. That's all I know."

"Is that all you know, or is that all you want me to know?" I furrowed my eyebrows, standing up and walking towards him, the bars the only distance between us.

"It's all I know."

"So they're earthbenders, and by your appearance you look like Water Nation. Why do they want you?"

"I don't know." He shifted, looking uncomfortable.



I grinned, "You're in this for the money."

He shrugged. "It's not a bad thing."

"Yeah, I would've done it too." I shrugged, kicking the bar of the cell.


"Oh yeah, buddy. People do all sorts of crap for money, even if you had to kill your own best friend."

"I wouldn't do that."

"Oh yes you would. I know." I grinned, reaching out to touch his shoulder. "Who did you think you were dealing with?"

He jerked back from my touch. "Huh?"

"I'm a waterbender. How about you?"

"Uh, me too."

"We're from the same water tribe, I can tell. So you're like, double crossing your kin. What would they think back home?"


"See what I mean? Money's the devil." I gripped the bars harder.

He was quiet. "You don't look like a waterbender."

I did my best impression of a runaway murderer. "Want me to show you?"

"No I'm good," he said, backing away from me.

I was seriously creeping him out.

"If you let me out now, I'll let you live. If you keep me in here and I break out someday, you'll be the first one on my list."

"Whoa, calm down," he said in annoyance, raising his arms and backing away. "I can't let you out."

"Oh yes you can. You have a key." I nodded towards his pocket.

"I don't know. When you leave, I'll get in trouble."

"Wanna come with?" I shrugged. "We could use you."

His eyes widened, as if he were considering the offer. "Really?"

"Oh yea—"

Before I could finish my sentence, a part of the wall exploded, a huge chunk slamming into Yen and causing him to hit his head on the wall and lose consciousness.

What the hell—

Zian tumbled over the rocks and earthbended his way to me.

"Mei," he said, a little out of breath, "how do I get you out of this?" He felt the metal under his palms and shook it. Then he took a few steps back, planting his feet firmly on the floor, and bended the floor under my feet, digging out a tunnel. As I crawled out the other side, I saw guards running towards us.

"Um, Zian, is this a part of the plan?" I whispered, moving closer to him.

"Uh, no."

Suddenly, a gust of air slammed into all of them, knocking them off their feet.

I stared at Zian and he grinned.

"But that was."

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