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Azula stared out her window, her arms behind her back. Her brother was finally home, and she had conquered Ba Sing Se. So why did she feel so off?

Suddenly, a bird, kind of like a hawk or a falcon screeched, coming down at her. She braced herself for attack when she suddenly realized it was a Fire Nation bird, and not an ordinary one either.

The messenger bird landed in front of her. Azula reached out, taking the letter out and opening it. As she read it, a knowing smirk spread across her face. She'd been waiting for this.

"Look, Azula, I probably shouldn't be doing this but I need to know what you know about my family. I'm alone and in the Fire Nation; the group split up after you did what you did, and I might still not be able to forgive you for it. But if you're willing, I can pay you for information. Tell me all you know."


Azula took out a quill and a paper, writing her reply. She fed the bird and said to it, "Ayame. Fire Nation. Make sure no one's around when you give it to her."

And the bird flew away.


I lashed out at a tree, bending fire madly. the tree lit up and with a flick of my wrist, it was drenched. The flames were blue and hot.

I was angry. "Why did you leave me behind, Ma? I could've died with you. Look where you've left me," I grumbled, swiping a lock of hair behind my ear, my breath coming in heavy huffs. "You could've at least told me why I have dual bending, or even Gran. It's so stupid. Why couldn't you have married some waterbender? Why did you have to choose a freaking firebender?" I slammed my fist against the tree and jumped back, painfully. "O-ow," I groaned, looking at my bleeding knuckles. "Who are you, mom? Who is my dad? I don't even remember your faces!" I yelled. Fire, fire everywhere. Soon I was surrounded by it, sitting in the center of a ring of flames. "Fire hurts people, Mom."

When I'd cooled down, I got rid of the fire and walked home. The hawk landed on my arm as I was walking away. hurriedly, I opened it up and read.

"Dear, dear Ayame,

Here's the problem. I don't know what you really want to know. Can you explain in detail?"


I gritted my teeth and the paper erupted into blue fire on my hand. I squeezed the leftover ashes and tossed them away.

"Don't play games with me. Who are my parents? Why were the Fire Nation after them?"



Azula found Mai and Zuko on a picnic together, watching the sunset. Her nose wrinkled in disgust.

"Zuko," she said, interrupting them. He looked up. Azula turned to Mai. "Ty Lee needs help untangling her braid."

Mai, obviously pissed, knew she couldn't argue with the princess. She stood up and walked away, throwing her a dirty look over her shoulder.

"Zuko," Azul said, crossing her arms over her chest when Mai was out of earshot, "did you visit our dear uncle?"

Zuko looked away from her.

"I should advise you not to do it again. If someone else sees you, they'll misunderstand you as a traitor."

When Zuko didn't reply, she left him alone, because she knew he'd understood the message. Zuko was playing with fire, and as much as she loved watching it, a part of her wanted normal . . . something she'd never gotten.

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