66| Run

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I walked down the palace steps to meet Azula and Ty Lee, and sadly, Mai.

Azula gave me a hug, much to everyone's surprise. "I told you I'd be here for your decision."

She expected a yes from me. And a yes they would get. In an hour, I'd be the Fire Nation's.

Azula did my hair exactly like hers. I looked up at the mirror and realized something. Azula and I looked so much alike like this. Almost twins.

I looked at her and she smiled, which I returned.


"Readier than I'll ever be."


Hakoda was leading the invasion with his waterbending and earthbending army. Their machines traveled in groups and straight towards the walls. Katara nodded at her father and joined Sokka and Aang.

The invasion was starting.

Katara took one last look very her shoulder at their army and then looked forward, ready to lead their army to battle.

This was where it all ended.


"Hurry," Azula scolded, pushing me forward. I nearly tripped over my own boots, catching myself right before I bumped into the handsome young guard standing in front of us. regaining my posture, I glanced up at him through my eyelashes and batted them a couple of times, and even through the half-mask I could see a blush starting to spread across his pale cheeks.

"Move, quickly." Someone said behind me. I stood in front of the two large wooden doors, afraid to press my hands to the brass handles in fear that I'd get burnt. I was shaking, and I was trying my best not to make the chattering of my teeth too obvious. I gripped Azula's arm and she gave me a nod and a quick Azula-smile which I suddenly appreciated.

"You can do it. " she whispered. "You're one of us now."

She was absolutely right. Today, for the first time in my life, I was sure of my answer.

"Yes," I repeated over and over under my breath. "Yes, yes, yes."

And I pushed the doors open.


"We're so close," Katara gripped Aang's arm. "Are you ready?"

"To kill someone?" he scoffed, looking away from her.

"It'll be okay," she rubbed his arm. "We can do this I'm sure you'll find a way somehow."


Zuko watched Ayame as she entered the large room. so many important people were sitting there, watching her every move. Zuko turned his head towards his "father", who didn't even glance at him. A wave of disgust pushed up in Zuko's stomach. He put his hand over it for a second, and then reached up to touch his aching heart. His fingers wrapped around a clump of his shirt and he stared straight ahead, forcing himself to breathe evenly.

Ozai knew Zuko wasn't his son. That's why he despised him his whole life.

None of it made sense to Zuko, and the pain worsened. His fist grew tighter and he bent his head for a second, only looking up to make sure no one was looking at him, when he made eye contact with Ayame. She'd frozen slightly, looking nervous as ever, but focused on him. She was trying to ask him what the problem was without moving her lips or her body.

Stop looking so terrible, was what she probably meant. Zuko tried not to laugh, confused at his sudden change of mood. She knew him through and through, when nobody, not even Mai actually could. This Mei was something else.

She smiled at him. It wasn't a teasing smile, or a smile that Mei usually gave him when she was trying to offend him or when a sly comment was about to be thrown at him. It was a genuine smile from the heart that said to him, I won't lie to you and tell you it'll be okay. But I'm here for you. So smile.

Zuko reached up and fixed his crown on top of his head, and then turned back to her, but she was already looking ahead, her eyes fixed on smiling Ozai. But his smile was nothing close to Mei's.


I felt the Fire Lord's eyes on my as soon as my presence was felt in the room. All heads were facing me, and orange flames licked the air, beckoning me to move forward.

I bowed.

Ozai's gaze mace me shiver inside. He looked so scary to me all of a sudden, the air cooled up inside of my lungs.

"Rise, " his voice boomed through the room, echoing. "There are three questions I will ask you. Answer at your own will."

I nodded, licking my dry lips. I felt faint.

"Do you agree that you are completely Fire Nation, even though you hold some water traits?"

I was shaking. Do I do I do I do I . . . Yes. Yes I do.

"Yes," I spoke. The corner of his lip lifted into a half smile, but it was nowhere near calming.

"Do you or do you not understand that you fully belong to the Fire Nation as of now and for the rest of your life?"

"I do." I swallowed, my eyes flicking to Zuko's for a second. He looked like he'd been punched in the face, but even if I had to bear the heaviness of the news he was bearing I would've rather been punched in the face.

"And do you agree to fight for the Fire Nation in defeat of our biggest enemy, the Avatar, and all his friends?"

Yes. Yes I do. yes I do I do I have to now.

I looked straight into the Fire Lord's eyes and opened my mouth to reply.

Yes, I do.


And I saw Zuko stand up, staring at me, his eyes screaming, what have you done?

Everything was chaotic after that. Azula was looking straight into my eyes, fire burning in them.

My fingers were on my lips In disbelief. And then I was running, running away from everyone.

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