72| Straight In the Eye

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"Aang, there's something important I have to tell you."

"What is it?" Aang asked, sitting on an airball. He was meditating, and seemed more upbeat than usual.

"I think partial reason of why Zuko is coming here offering to help you is because he wants to get away from his father."

"Why? wasn't he bent on being the favorite?" Aang asked, confused.

"Yeah," I said sadly, "but he did find out that, Ozai? He isn't his dad."

"Wow." Aang's airball disappeared and he stood up. "Bad timing. How come you guys just figured out all this stuff being there?"

He was referring to me finding out about my mom, and Zuko's situation.

"Azula," I scoffed, shifting my weight on my right leg and crossing my arms over my chest. "She's a b—" A loud boom cut me off. "What was that?" I asked, my heart slipping.

"Um, it sounds a lot like Combustion Man," Toph stated, confused. "Wasn't he after you? And didn't we get rid of him?"

"I figured you must've, or Zuko must've taken it back or something."


I was almost rocked off my feet, but Toph steadied us all with rock grips around our ankles.

Crap, crap, crap.

"Zuko might've sent him after us to get rid of Aang. But that was ages ago," I quickly said. Katara's face contorted into a look of rage.

"I knew he wasn't a good guy. There is no way we can trust him"

"Um, guys," Sokka tapped our shoulders. "I think we should—"

"DUCK!" I yelled, waterbending a giant waved that pushed them all away as Combustion Man went boom! and the ground exploded where we were just standing.

"Hell, no," I muttered, standing up. "What did I do to deserve this?" Suddenly, I saw a small person from far away, jump in front of Combustion Man. "Is that Zuko?" I wondered out loud, and my question was confirmed when he starting waving his arms around and yelling, "Stop! I'll pay you to stop!"

I wanted to smile and laugh at him, but I resisted the helpless urge. I was supposed to be mad at him. So instead, a slowly moved my arms, a steady stream of water circling around me. With one hand holding up the ring, I used the other hand to shoot sharp ice shards at Combustion Man, flicking my wrist fast enough for the ice to travel far and hit their mark quick.

Combustion Man paid no heed to the icicles slamming into his chest. Instead, he focused on Zuko. He was about to take him down, but the earth exploded from underneath him and tossed him off the cliff. The four of us turned towards Toph.

"How . . . " I trailed off, in surprise.

"I can hear them. I'm not deaf."

"Guys, get out of the way," Aang said, lifting himself up with this huge tornado, and shooting rocks at Combustion Man. The wind whipped through my hair and I was blinded as a lock of it smacked me in the eye. I staggered, shooting fire from my fists in all directions blindly to protect myself.

"Ayame! You almost hit me!" Sokka yelled.

"Sorry!" I apolgized, blinking rapidly as my vision cleared. It looked like Combustion Man was ready to blow again.

I rolled to the right, ducking behind a giant pillar, one of the few still intact. To my right, Sokka threw his boomerang, missing terribly and Katara opened her waterskin and waited for the right chance to whip his behind.

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