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Emily Bett Rickards as Erica Maxwell

Luke Dawson P.O.V.

I was sitting downstairs with Noah and Ryder, while Paisley was upstairs calling up her firm informing them about her absence.
She is a wonderful girl, dosen't deserve any of the miseries life has thrown her way.

I love her so much. The love I hold for her continues to grow every single day, the way she has tackled all difficulties and the unconditional love she harbours in her heart for Noah and Ryder leaves me in awe.
Seeing her suffer, tugs at my heart. I want to protect her from all the evils in this world. She's definitely strong, but it seemed as she lost all sense of judgment when it came to Redmond and his horrific deeds.

There was was something about Kyle Redmond which set me off from the very beginning, way Paisley and him started going out. His traits were that of extreme ruthless and selfishness that he managed to tactically conceal when it came to Paisley, which is why none of us could even fathom his actual intentions.

"Uncle Luke, can we plewese go outside and play?" Ryder asked.

They both are really adorable! The love I have for them was as if they were my own owing to the very strong connection I feel towards them. Such innocent boys have to suffer because of their as*hole of a father.
If I given a chance, I would kill him a hundred times for hurting MY Paisley.

"Of course, Ryder! Just wait for sometime then all of us will go to the park." I said making the boys beam with happiness.

"Thank you, Uncle Luke! We love you!!" Noah exclaimed. He is the over energised lad out of the two.

At that moment I doorbell rang I got up to my feet and made my way to check the visitor at the door.

Opening the door I was shocked to see none other than, Kyle Redmond standing at Paisley's doorstep.

To say I lost all sense of sanity and blinded by fury would be an understatement, the hatred I feel towards his man runs so deep words will fall short to express it. He isn't just my rival in business world just actual life as well.
I come from well established wealthy family, yet I always wanted to make my own name and go out of the way to prove myself hence, I chose law and so did my twin Melissa. The fact that this profession was a catalyst and gave me the opportunity to meet Paisley makes me grateful every passing day.

After the internship at Redmond's, I worked hard to open my own firm Dawson Holdings. Today, I can proudly claim that we are as big and as influentional as The Redmond Associates.

I was about to open my mouth and throw insults at him, when I heard Paisley ask "Who is it Luke?"

I was just rooted to the ground glaring at the swine infront of me.
I turned around to see Paisley looking at him with shock, she pinched herself to make sure it is true but piched too hard and let out a hiss.

Just as I was about to rush towards her, Redmond shoved me aside going near her and held her arm in his hand inspecting the spot she pinched.

Seeing him touch her, flared jealousy inside me. I would have beaten the living shit out of him for touching her if the kids weren't home.

All through their conversation I was giving him time to leave, but I lost it when refused to get out even after being asked by Paisley.

So, I took this as a chance to mock him using his own words which he used that day."You heard what she said now get out of her property this second or else I won't hesitate to make matters worst" and with each word that was dripping with disgust I took a step towards him.

She Was Broken Beyond RepairWhere stories live. Discover now