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Kyle Redmond P.O.V

Yesterday Mr.Brown had called me to let me know that Paisley had accepted the offer.

I was on cloud nine! I just wanted to go and hug her close to me, but the sensible side in me stopped me from doing that.

I went ahead and rang Pasiley's doorbell, she dosen't know that I would be coming this morning.

"Morning Paisley!" I said with a small smile when she opened the door. She stood there expressionless not uttering a word looking at me with blank ice cold eyes.

"Um.. please can I come in?" I asked clearing my throat.

She did not say anything, just turned around and went inside without a word.

"They are sleeping. I have to go late today for work. Take them if you want." She said without looking at me while entering the kitchen.

"Oh okay." I replied.

Moments of silence passed between us and it was becoming unbareable for me. I want her to yell at me, but not stay silent like this. I know I am in no position to deserve even her words of disrespect, but I want her to talk.

She started to assemble ingredients for breakfast. After collecting everything she needed, she tied her hair in a messy bun, washed her hands and started to cook.

All that time I was sitting in the kitchen, but she acted as if I as invisible, this was becoming too much for me to handle. I decided to walk close to her and apologise.

I was close enough to still have a safe distance between us.

"Paisley?" I tapped on the shoulder.

"What?" She stiffened for a second and then shrugged her shoulder removing my hand away.

"Can you please look at me? I will at a distance from you can talk." I said pathetically.

The response from her was absolute silence.

"Paisy please, just listen!" I pleaded.

She still remained quiet and continued to cook.

I sighed and walked back to the stool I was sitting on earlier.

When she was done, she turned off the stove and walked outside the kitchen, but I quickly caught her hand.

"Leave.My.Hand.Kyle!" She said each word through gritted teeth slowly.

"I will, baby. Just listen to me once, I won't take much of your time." I said turning her around gently.

"You have been constantly invading my personal space, Mr.Redmond! Leave my hand this second! I won't allow you to treat me like what you had called me." She threatened and the blazing anger in the eyes could burn me alive.

"I know, Paisy. I know that being close to you without your consent time and again is not right, but please just once hear me out. You really need to known this." I tried to convince her.

"Look, I don't have time for your nonsense! Leave my hand else get out of my house without the twins." Paisley threatened in a serious voice.

"Okay-okay." I said leaving her hand. "Now please just listen to me." I told her.

"I won't and I don't need to. It's better if you stay away from me, I will get Ryder and Noah ready and you will leave after that." She said and started to walk to the staircase.

"Wait right there, Paisley! You have to listen to me, else I will follow you everywhere you go until you are ready to listen. Even if I have to come to your workplace and sit outside. This would create a scene and I am sure you wouldn't want that." I said.

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