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Paisley Redmond P.O.V

I opened the house with the help of keys Kyle had given me on the third day after I shifted here.

"I'm home!" I shouted notifying Kyle and my babies about my arrival, walking inside I kept the shopping bags carelessly on the floor.

There was an odd silence throughout house, pin drop silence.

"Kyle?" I called out walking to the living room.

"Kyle?" I called out again but the answer was silence.

I quickly rushed towards the kitchen checking the living room in process for any signs of my husband and kids, but found none. I walked towards the kitchen to check but was met with a rather amusing sight.

Behind the kitchen counter Kyle and the twins were hiding, I could very clearly hear the suppressed giggles of my kids and Kyle's head was quite visible.

Funny man! He thought he could hide under the kitchen counter. Like isn't he aware of his over six feet height?

I don't what fascination he has with sneaking up on me, knowing it really frightens me to no end. So, I decided to just go do the reverse thing. I planned on scaring them instead of being scared.

I tip-toed towards the kitchen counter and screamed "Booo!"

Ryder and Noah yelped and stood up frightened, and ran straight out of the kitchen as I laughed at their reaction. Whereas Kyle, just got up from beneath the counter and turned around smiling.

"I like the sound of that." He said leaning forward from the other side of the counter engulfing my hands in his.

I frowned and asked "Like the sound of what?"

"You saying: I'm home!" He said with a wide grin.

"Well, it's better to get use to everything I can as soon as possible." I replied truthfully with a smile and blushed under his intense gaze.

Breaking our eye contact, I pulled my hands of his hold and walked to the refrigerator to help myself with a galss of water.

After greedily gulping down the contents of the glass, I kept it in the sink and turned around to face Kyle.

"So, what did you do today?" He asked casually.

"Nothing much, just had lunch, shopped a bit and caught up with each other." I answered.

"What did you have for lunch?" He asked with a smirk already knowing the answer.

"Italian!!" I replied grinning from ear to ear.

I am ways like a kid on Christmas when it comes to Italian food. It just tastes fantastic! During my pregnancy with Noah and Ryder, I ate way too much Italian, and the little boys too have developed a taste for it.

Letting out a laugh he said "Your obsession with that cuisine, is something I was never able to understand and neither am I able to figure out now."

Chuckling at his statement I replied "Well, if perfectly fine is you can't figure out a girl's food habits." Winking in the end.

"Whoa whoa! Did you like just seriously wink at me? Not that I mind it, but still." He said amazed.

"Yeah? So what?" I asked confused.

"No, it's just that with everything going on between us." He said motioning his hands between us. "It's difficult to believe that, you are really warming upto me again." He said with a distant and doubtful look in his eyes.

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