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Paisley Redmond P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with somebody constantly ringing the doorbell. I rolled over the bed and picked my phone from the nightstand to check the time. It was 10:30! No wonder all the crying last night wore me out completely.

Gosh! I'll be really late for work today, I thought as got out of the bed.

Good thing I had called up the school earlier this week and informed them that Noah and Ryder won't come for almost another month. If I have to go to London, then I need them at home.

I quickly brushed my teeth and lazily walked down the stairs and went to open the door.

I opened the door only to find none other than Kyle standing there. Freshly shaved and showered, wearing tight grey t-shirt and black jeans with combat boots. He smelled intoxicating because of his mouthwatering colonge and shower gel.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"Good morning to you too, wife!" He said trying to sound funny.

"My morning can never be good when it's your face I see the first thing in the morning." I told him. His face flashed hurt and pain but he quickly masked it.

"Look can we please not fight for just one day?" Kyle asked making me scoff.

"I never knew stating facts is considered as fighting, Mr.Redmond." I told him in a bored tone.

"Okay-okay! I am sorry. I just wanted to discuss things with you about Noah and Ryder's birthday. Can we please?" He asked rather politely this time.

I remained silent and moved aside giving him room to enter.

He walked inside the house and head straight to the living room making himself comfortable on the L-shaped couch as if it is was his own house.

"Wow! I see you made yourself really comfortable, Mr.Redmond." I said my voice dripping with scarcasm while narrowing my eyes at him.

"Well technically I should. This house belongs to my beloved wife, so this house it is mine too. So, why act like a guest in your own house, Mrs.Redmond?" He said wriggling his well defined brows.

My blood boiled on hearing him call me Mrs.Redmond. I wanted to scream at him, but refrained from doing so by reminding myself that I will be Ms.Smith soon.

"Do you want to discuss anything substantial or not?" I asked him seriously.

"Yes. Since, I have missed a couple of Noah and Ryder's birthday's I want to do something for them. What say?" Kyle asked.

"Fair enough. I won't want my children to feel that their father left them on their birthday. So yes, you can celebrate it with them, but try not create too much of a nuisance." I told him.

"Right, and there is one more thing I wanted." Kyle said and I nodded indicating him to continue.

"I want all four of us together the whole day. Take them to where ever they want and do whatever they feel like. But all four of us together!" Kyle said and I could feel the rage boil inside me.

"Never! You spend half the day with them and the other half they will spend with me. When they are with you, do whatever you guys feel like and when they are with me, I'll do the same. And when you comeback to drop the boys, that is time all four of us can be together and cut their cakes. After that they will be with me and you will leave without making a ruckus!" I told him.

"I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS! We all will spend the day together that's where the matter ends!" He said with a hint of anger and agitation in his tone.

"Do not speak in that tone with me ever again, Kyle Redmond! You are not in any position to object anything I say! It's either you listen to what I say or you even lose out on that." I told him in a firm voice that left no room for argument.

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