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The first wedding.

Kyle Redmond P.O.V

Kyle to Paisley : Just two hours to go and you'll be Mrs.Paisley Kyle Redmond, baby!

Paisley to Kyle : Be sure, after this you'll be tied down with me forever. Make your choice wisley;-)

Kyle to Paisley : Well, I am absolutely sure. What about you? Oh wait, it doesn't matter now, we are definitely getting married today! So, there is no way you can back out now;-)

Paisley to Kyle : Always bossy:/ But after today, things change, I am the boss." She replied and a smile tugged at my lips.

Kyle to Paisley : Of course, you are the boss, always. I don't mind it a bit. Boss me around all you want, love. I'll be more than glad having a beautiful and sexy wife bossing over me." I replied knowing she would be smiling widely at this text.

Paisley to Kyle : Okay then, Mr.Redmond. No texting now, I gotta get ready in peace, the make-up artist is getting annoyed with my constant texting. I love you, baby!

Kyle to Paisley : I love you too, my love. Can't wait to see you, Princess Redmond!

Paisley to Kyle : Me too! Now no texting!

I chuckled at her last text and kept the phone aside and fixed my hair.

As you all have already guessed, Paisley and I are getting married today!

The feeling is incredible accompanied by anxiety and nerveousness. I know my life with Paisley after wedding is going to be absolutely blissful, but the thing that bothers me is that, will I be able to give her all the happiness she deserves?

Dating a woman is very different than marrying her.

I am certain she won't ever be the nagging and demanding wife, but the question is, will I be the perfect husband for her?

A woman like Paisley deserves nothing but the best. And that best is what I will strive to be for her!


Paisley Smith P.O.V

So, the big day has finally arrived.

The day every girl dreams of since she is a little girl. The day every girl has got planned in her head for years, and the day she is ready to leave everything behind for the one she loves.

That day has arrived in my life.

Thinking about a different life does scare me a little, but what haunts me the most is, not being good enough for Kyle.

I know, he always says that I am the one he needs, but still I feel insecure.

A man like Kyle, doesn't deserve anything but the best. The way he has been patient and cooperative with me in all matters makes me respect and adore him more than I already do.

Sure, he is possessive, cocky, arrogant and gets jealous easily, but these qualities are what every girl secretly desires in her man, and I don't happen to be any different.

Kyle Redmond is the perfect one for me, and I want to be the same for him.

He deserves the best, and that is what I will be for him.


"It's time." Mel came and announced when I was with my mom.

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