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Time Leap: 3 Years Later..........

Kyle Redmond P.O.V

"Daddy!!!!!!!!" Came a wailing three year old Grace to my study where I and Paisley were discussing some professional matters.

"Why are you crying, princess?" I asked as I got up in a flash from my seat and gathered my three year old daughter in my arms.

Grace wrapped her little arms around my neck and continued to cry.

"Baby, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Paisley asked her voice laced with worry and concern, as she came and stood beside me rubbing the toddlers back in a motion to calm her down.

"T-they hwit m-me agwain!" Grace said and it was enough for me and Paisley to understand.

My eight year old sons simply love to pick on Grace. From taking her things and running away, to teasing and hitting her, they just love it all.

"Who hit you princess? We'll go and you show daddy who hit you, okay?" I coaxed and she meekly nodded.

"They are getting out of hand!" Paisley said a little anger in her tone. For her, scolding is never a way to make children listen to you, but Noah and Ryder have probably taken that for granted. Paisley and I know that, we can't always prevent them from teasing Grace, but hitting the little girl almost everyday is something we won't allow from this day forward.

Last week, they had pushed Grace so hard that, she was about to fall into the 5 feet pool in our house.
I thank the almighty for Paisley being present there with the kids, otherwise I don't even want to imagine what could have happened.

"Where are they angel?" Paisley asked Grace in soft soothing voice.

"Out" Grace said and me and Paisley walked in that direction.

The boys must have sensed us coming because they immediately went to hide away, but we could still spot them.

"There is no point hiding! Come out you two!" I said trying to stay calm and they came out with a knowing look on their faces.

"Let's go inside boys!" Paisley instructed and they immediately followed her inside.

"Now-now! I heard you hit your little sister again. Why?" Paisley asked them in a calm tone

"No, we did not!" They defended.

"No, mommy! Look!" I exclaimed as she showed Paisley her arm with her skin turning red.

"Who hit you, princess? Tell me." I said and Grace looked at the twin's with confusion.

"He!" She said pointing a finger at Ryder.

"No, he!" She said now pointing a finger at Noah.

"No! No, it was this one!" Grace said now again pointing a finger at Ryder.

"Daddy, this one. Not that one, this one!!" The toddler said now indicating towards Noah with a look of utter discomfort and confusion on her face.

My poor daughter, she didn't know now to differentiate between her brothers.

"I don't know!" She said frustratedly after her failed attempts to identify who had hit her and brust into sobs again.

"Oh honey!" Paisley said and took Grace from me.

"Stop crying, Grace. It's all okay, calm down princess. Please." My wife told our daughter with desperation clear in her voice.

On the other hand, those two troublemakers found the situation way too amusing as they were laughing quietly.

She Was Broken Beyond RepairOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora