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Kyle Redmond P.O.V

I woke with my arms wrapped around my wife, while I was spooning her from behind, one of her arm was placed right over mine.

This will definitely look like a complete cliché scene to all, but to me it meant satisfaction.

The satisfaction of having my Paisley with me made me feel at peace. I just kept on running my hand through her soft silky hair, even after waking up for almost half an hour. Deciding to go and check up on the boys, I carefully got out of bed, making sure not to wake up Paisley and left the room.

Once I entered their room, I saw them sleeping soundly, it doesn't seem as if they were affected by jet lag last night.
Last night when me and Paisley were about to sleep after unpacking all the things, Ryder came into the room complaining he couldn't sleep. Pasiley took him with her to the bed and held him till he slept. The moment he drifted off to sleep we heard a loud cry. I went to the kids room which was right across from our's, on entering the room I saw Noah crying due to waking up alone. I tried to put him off to sleep but he just wouldn't. So, I gave up and took him to his mom. 20 minutes with her and he was out like light!

After checking up on the boys, I went back to our room and did my morning business. I was all showered and ready by the time I went down to the kitchen, leaving a still sleeping Paisley, she will as it is wake up and be down in an hour or so.

"Good morning, Kyle!" Rose my house keeper greets me. Rose is a fifty-one year old lady who has been working here for the past thirty years. She was my care taker that time and is actually like family to me. After Aunt Chole died, she helped me keep sane.

"Good morning to you too, Rose!" I greeted back with a genuine smile in four years and sat down on the chair kitchen chair.

"Judging by that smile, I take it Paisley is back?" She asked happily. Rose always adored Paisley, she believed that Paisley is the only one who could make me feel whole again.

"Of course!" I replied while taking a sip of the coffee Rose just placed infront of me.

"Where is she? I am so excited to meet her again!" She exclaimed flipping the omelet.

"Upstairs sleeping." I said.

"Ohhh... did you keep her awake all night huh?" She said and winked at me. I almost choked my coffee. Only if she knew how much I wish that could be the scenario.

"No, I didn't. We are taking things slow." I told her. The good thing about Rose is, you can talk your heart out to her and she won't ever form an opinion about you.

"Ahh! Of course, Paisley is a woman with high dignity and self-respect. I completely support her decision and you must respect it too." She told me placing the plate of omelet on the table.

"I do. I will support and respect her decision." I replied taking a bite of the cheese omelet.

"Good to know. So, where are your kids?" She asked me keeping away the pan.

"Even they are sleeping right now. But you will love them, Rose! They are such fine little gentlemen. So well mannered!" I said with pride evident in my voice.

"Of course! I am sure they will be, no doubt." She said with a smile.

"You know they look excatly like me. Handsome!" I said looking at her.

"Arrogant boy you are, son." She said rolling her eyes.

"Well..." I was about to say something when a loud squeal interrupted me.

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