FwB Chapter 1: A Rough Week

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AN: Before you start, i would like to say that all credits to Harukaze. So here it is! hope you enjoy!  ^_^

Hot puffs of air exhaled from her mouth as she bit the flesh beneath her, earning her the elicit response she needed. All week she'd been waiting for this moment-to take this figure beneath her and finally lose herself from her responsibilities, her job, her surroundings. Her life. Turning her head slowly, she locked eyes with shimmering glazed ones and dipped down for a fiery kiss.

In the back of her mind she pushed down an interview she had to wake up early for tomorrow, a meeting for important matters that weren't exactly important to her, and more sighs of exasperation from the people she's expected to talk to.

She almost sighed at the prospect of the night ending, a small frown showing the indication of it.

"What's that for?"

She looked down at the girl before her and her frown immediately disappeared, changing into a smirk almost automatically. "Just thinking about what'll happen tomorrow," was her husky reply.

"Hmm..." The girl beneath her squirmed a little and pulled herself lower. "Apparently, I haven't been doing a good enough job with my end of the bargain."

As ripples of pleasure surrounded her body, her arms propping her up finally began to crumble, forcing her to focus her entire being on that one feeling. The girl beneath her stopped for a second making her grunt in displeasure.

"Still thinking about tomorrow?"

"Hell no."

She felt her smile as the ministrations began once more.


She sighed in exasperation as the men before her spoke in their same monotonous voice. This meeting had gone on for three hours now. She was hungry, exhausted, and wanted nothing more than to ride her sports car or... she smirked.

Screw the sports car...

"Tenoh-san, are you listening at all?"

She rolled her eyes. Even in her daydreams she couldn't escape these horrible men. "Yes, I've been listening pretty intently for the past three hours Shizu-san. What I don't understand is why I'm still here and not at a restaurant because I'm getting bored and hungry. If we can continue this talk in a restaurant where I can eat instead of rant, that'd be appreciated."

The fat man before her gave her a piercing look. "This is important Tenoh-san," he said in an almost undignified manner. "Lantern Corporation has asked for a joint partnership for the Bayside Condominiums project and for the past three hours all of us have been giving you reasons why you should take the offer. After this whole time all you can say is you're hungry?!"

Haruka stood up, completely annoyed and grabbed her jacket. "We'll continue this later." Angry sighs erupted at the table as she pushed her chair in. "I said it last week and I didn't think I needed a justified reason, but I'll say it again in case all of you were deaf. I don't want a partnership with Lantern. I don't want my company to be at all related to them. They're so notorious for being a half assed company and a joint job would only make me guilty by association-

"But it's a huge project!" a thin man to her left cut off as he got up promptly. "If you don't accept it we'd lose...easy money. We all know what they've done in the past concerning shaky structures, but our presence there will surely change that!"

The blonde whipped her head towards him, an angry scowl laced over it. "I'm sorry Tatsu-san, but whose company is this?"

The thin man stared at her with a stone face and sat back down slowly. "Yours," was the slow and deliberate answer.

Friends with Benefits (FwB) (GirlxGirl)(COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon