26: Epilogue

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Sapphire eyes opened in the dark, trained directly at a clock hanging at the eastern wall.

11:08 PM.

She wondered briefly if her parents were asleep yet…and sighed. She knew their ground rules weren't to be trifled with, but it was Christmas Eve! And she knew they wouldn't celebrate it until tomorrow, but Christmas Day was less than an hour away and she was cold. Not because the room was cold—the housekeepers manage to keep it at the same 79.3 degrees she's always been accustomed to, but because her bed was big—huge! How was she able to sleep in this same bed and not remain lonely before?

Her eyes flittered up at the clock again.


Annoyed, she turned to her back and stared aimlessly at the off white ceiling and the small chandelier that had been hanging there as far back as she can remember. Goose pimples prickled at her skin as she turned her face to a cool part of the pillow, turning this time all the way to her other side where the view of the balcony remained open.

She remembered when she was a little girl and Yui used to tell her scary stories about the balcony, but there was a blizzard outside and if anything right now, it looked heavenly to see the untouched snow kiss the paved grounds. The old ginkgo tree right outside her balcony looked heavily laden with snow as well, the thick, wild branches swaying every now and then as the wind picked up outside and the flakes gradually grew in size as well as frequency, making the environment seem so much brighter than a normal night was.

It would be easy enough to paint, she sussed, but to capture the actual picture was where the difficulty level lay.

Then, her ears picked up the sound of the doorknob twisting, causing her to sit up, and smirk at the intruder. She didn't expect for her brash tomboy to sit still and sleep in the other room the entire night, but as the door fully opened, her smile slid and she turned back to her side so that her back was towards the door with a huff.

"Oh Michiru-chan don't be like that," Shinji stated at the doorway, an exasperated smile on his handsome face.

She got up again, the blanket strewn to her lap.

"You asked us to come here for Christmas Eve fully knowing there was a blizzard so you can keep us stranded here in separate bedrooms," she said pointedly with a pout she hadn't realized had landed on her features.

The elder male Kaioh sighed and entered the dimly lit bedroom. Wearing dark blue striped pajamas, he made his way into her bed with what looked like cute grizzly bear slippers and sat at the edge of her bed.

"And I don't understand what you have to worry about either," Michiru stated, continuing her rant. "If you're trying to prevent us from having sex, we already did that…a half a year ago…And it's not like we'd desecrate your 'holy estate' and have sex here…the doors have no locks! I remember Onee-san even complaining about that…"

Shinji laughed at the memory of his eldest daughter stomping up to him when she had just reached her freshman year of high school, fully prepared to list out the pros with zero cons about why a lock was necessary for her bedroom door.

"Ahh, yes, I remember that…" he murmured, stroking his goatee as he looked up at the ceiling in fond memory.

"And I'm twenty six years old! Twenty seven in March—

"But you're still my little girl—


He chuckled while brushing some loose locks back into the violinist's ears. Annoyed sapphires stared back at him and he could only grin.

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