FwB Chapter 2: Piano or Violin

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Trine was a tiny bar situated in the inferior half of East Tokyo. She frequented here because of her anonymity, the ambience, and the people she expected not to be inside. The atmosphere screamed the need for isolation and there would be no other reason she'd go here other than that.

But as she entered, she was surprised to see her there.

Not in the way that the other customers thought, but because she was a fan of classical music and knew her as the world class violinist she was rather than just a very well dressed, sophisticated, refined, random woman in a low class bar. Immediately, she wondered what she was doing there, but before that train of thought could go any further, her brain finally caught on that she looked…beautiful…to say the least. Usually, this factor would be the first she'd notice from a familiar face, but her complete lack of guard at seeing anyone she knew at Trine made this second. She observed how the younger woman seemed to glow in the dimly lit room, her aquamarine curls cascading down her back and shoulders. Surprisingly enough, she didn't exactly wear the most refined clothes: beige dress pants and a white long sleeve shirt that hugged her body quite nicely, but this didn't cause any deduction of…points.

She almost decided to leave her alone…almost. Normally speaking, she would hate it if some random, albeit rich person just walked to her when she figuratively screamed for isolation but as she glanced around the room she saw that most men were already gazing at her from afar…some getting drunk enough to make a pass. She smirked. With her confidence built, she moved forward.

Her presence didn't go by unnoticed. She felt a sudden rise in the aqua haired woman's head and the shift of her body that came with it as she almost invasively plopped on the stool next to her.

"Surprising to see someone like you here," Haruka stated in greeting, but didn't exactly look at her, her emerald eyes beckoning the bartender of her attendance instead.

He caught on rather quickly and gave the usual screwdriver to start. As he handed her the yellowish drink an uncomfortable silence engulfed the table, making her smirk at how such a conversationalist she was suddenly turning into. "Wanted to have a little drink? Although this kind of place is just a little unsuited for someone like you…"

She turned to her side, her smirk growing wider as the beautiful woman finally turned to her, a slight look of annoyance gracing her otherwise soft features.

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

Her voice sounded melodic, albeit just a bit angry.

Haruka's smirk turned into a laughing smile as she gave a tiny bow. "Maybe if I introduced myself first. Tenoh Haruka."

The aqua haired woman gave a slight look of surprise before deciding to give a small bow as well. "Kaioh Michiru."

The blonde nodded taking a small sip of her drink. "Nh, I knew that already. But would it be too much to ask what a refined young woman such as yourself is doing in the weirder side of town?"

Michiru looked at her for a second as if contemplating the question in and of itself. Then she gave an outward smirk as well, the face she sported rising the curiosity of the blonde's further.

"I figure," she started drinking a bit from her pinkish and obviously alcoholic drink as well. "The same reason you are?"

That was a good answer, Haruka thought and nodded in agreement. "Then, can I ask for your company for tonight?" she asked looking imploringly at deep sapphire eyes. "Kind of lonely and depressing seeing someone like you drinking alone."

Michiru laughed, the sound of it ringing through Haruka's ears. "Some time back, I came across a Shou Hikaru…"

She trailed causing Haruka to sigh a bit, drinking more of her drink than she intended in one swig. "Whatever it is she told you, it's not true."

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