FwB Chapter 5: Sweet Moments

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She was a dumbass…

Haruka rolled her eyes as she mentally smacked herself. What the hell did she just start?

What the hell did I do? I am such a…dumb…ass…

She peeled the potatoes roughly, sending its skin flying all over her counter.

They had the perfect relationship and she just couldn't wait to destroy it…apparently. One little realization…and she wanted to destroy it. She gritted her teeth as she cut the potatoes in fours, splashing them into a bowl of cold water. Turning to some carrots, she began to peel them in the same manner as the potatoes.

Just because it means something to me now, doesn't mean it means anything to her. We're still friends with benefits… nothing at all has changed that fact…except that it kind of means something to me now…

She growled inwardly in irritation.

Why does it have to mean something to me now…?

She cut the carrots meticulously and placed them in another bowl, grabbing another root and peeling that as well. She didn't pay heed to the approaching figure of the violinist and remained dutifully at her task. Michiru stood beside her until she finally looked at her, a confused, tired, and sad look upon the smaller woman's face.

"What's eating you?" Haruka asked stonily and deposited the rest of the cut carrots in the carrot filled bowl. It seemed like a dumb question, but she didn't want the most awkward silence in the history of their relationship to rear its ugly head.

Before she could grab the still semi-frozen chicken thawing on another bowl, in an attempt to busy herself, Michiru grabbed her unoccupied hand and held it, the look on her face doubling in sadness and confusion. The blonde sighed and laid the knife she held on the cutting board, the frown in her face matching the one beside her. She turned to the troubled violinist slowly, unlinked their hands and placed her arms across the other's waist. Leaning down so that their faces were only a couple inches apart, she wiped the frown off her face and gave a questioning look before bending down and kissing the younger woman's forehead.

"What's wrong?"

Michiru looked down at the missing buttons on the blonde's black dress shirt and laid her head on her shoulder. "Something's changed."

"Nothing's changed," Haruka stated with a small sigh. Whatever she was feeling could wait in the sidelines and she opted to just give it up this time…lie a bit for their sake. "It's just been a tiring day…for the both of us. A lot of curve balls were thrown and we decided to take them instead of letting them go. I'm sorry for prying…I was out of line."

The violinist made a small sound that sounded like a refute that made the taller woman look at her with a weary smile.

"You were right though," she said as she pushed aqua green curls behind the smaller woman's ears. "I don't have any business prying into your life…'cuz it's your life. I don't know why I forgot that fact…maybe I didn't and I just thought I could do something to right the situation, but I obviously went too far…so, sorry." Michiru looked up at her with pained sapphire eyes as she attempted to rub away the crease her eyebrows were making.

"Don't apologize," the violinist said softly and wrapped her arms around her neck. They hugged for a while, Haruka burying her face in Michiru's sweet hair as the latter nuzzled her neck, kissing her every now and then.

They broke apart after a while, both giving one another small smiles before the blonde turned back around to her task and began making dinner once more.

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