Chapter 23: Tying Some Loose Ends

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Her penthouse was being overrun by a ton of strangers, and all she could do was lean against one of the wide creamy walls, and watch it all happen. In the middle of the living room, attentive sapphires looked up at her in amusement as she fought the huge exasperated sigh that wanted to come out of her mouth.

It was told as quickly and as suddenly to Michiru and her that this day was the beginning of "test" week. They had woken up at the shrill insistence of Michiru's crying phone at daybreak and an hour later, her parents, the wedding planner, Jiro, his sister, and the alterationists at the bridal shop they visited less than a week back were knocking at her door. She had let them all in, a little more hesitant than she wanted them to see, but she did so anyway.

Now with the clock reading that it's almost lunch time, she could only watch some more as the beauticians, who appeared a half an hour after the alterationists, flocked around the violinist's still form in the middle of her living room.

All the women, including the elder female Kaioh, were getting fitted into their dresses and sooner than later, it would be her turn too.

She sighed outwardly.

"Well said," Shinji grunted beside her as he swept his hand through his short wavy hair.

He and Jiro had accompanied her in taking it upon themselves to move the hell out of the way as everyone, at the orders of a yelling Keiko, flocked whichever way around her penthouse.

"It's almost lunch time," she stated off handedly, grabbing the attention of the two men at each of her sides.

"I'll call someone up to grab us lunch. Least I could do for terrorizing your home with no more than a phone call's warning," Michiru's father offered good naturedly, at which she just shook her head.

"There's a lot of food…it just needs to be cooked. You two want to help me?" She didn't really know what she was asking, but she had started feeling antsy at doing nothing, but watch people get busy since she woke up and wanted nothing more than to busy herself as well.

Both men looked at her uneasily as the question spilled from her mouth. She rolled her eyes at Jiro.

"Stop acting like a brat," she grunted and began moving to her kitchen. "Come on. You can help me."

"I would rather have Oji-san order take out actually…"

"You would. Come on," she repeated over her shoulder.

To her surprise, Shinji had followed her much sooner than Jiro had and a half a minute later, all of them stood in her large kitchen, the open floor plan allowing the blonde to keep an eye on the activity flourishing in her living room.

"How's Kaioh-san by the way?" she asked as the two men put it into themselves to lean into the kitchen's island this time. She rummaged through the refrigerator in the meanwhile.

The elder male Kaioh groaned outwardly at her question. "Better…He'll be dismissed either today or tomorrow and insisted I didn't stay to see what would happen to him and mind the wedding more…"

Haruka made a small sound of understanding as she took some thawed chicken out.

"You're really sure…that you want to go through with this?"

She stood up from her squatting position and looked deeply into sapphire eyes…so alike the ones she's been so accustomed to seeing sparkle back at her.

She could only smile softly and nod. "I think…take out…is a better idea after all…"

Shinji looked at her confusedly for a moment, probably because of her response, or lack thereof.

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