FwB Chapter 8: Picking up the Pieces

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A loud, frustrated sigh emitted from her for the nth time that day. Never mind the fact that it was only a couple minutes passed seven in the morning and that she's been in her office since five. And never mind the fact that the paperwork laid before her was being completed in an almost automatically easy fashion.

It was the fact that it was a Saturday. That it was her day off. That she was working on her day off. That it was the first Saturday in almost three months that she wasn't looking forward to.

Haruka sighed again and slapped the heavy packet of papers in the "done" bin. Her eyebrows stitched into a frown as she grasped her temple, massaging it a little, for she knew the headache that hadn't surfaced yet will rear its ugly head sooner or later.

Her door opened slowly forcing her to look up to her shocked secretary.

"G-good…morning Chairman."

If it were any other ordinary day she would've laughed brashly at the face Yuki sported, but today it just kind of irked her. She knew it was the first time in three years she came to work before her secretary, but she didn't need to look so damned surprised from finally witnessing the event…

"I need the overall report from last night's meet and greet," Haruka only stated and looked back down at another packet. She was running out of them much sooner than she'd hoped.

"I placed it in Tenoh-sama's office. She specifically told me last night that she would be the one to deal with it," Yuki replied.

Haruka gave an annoyed sigh and flipped a page over.

"Chairman I don't mean to be a drag, but…isn't today your day off?"

The taller woman's frown deepened. There…the headache had finally, successfully appeared. "What about it Yuki?" she asked in an irritated fashion and locked eyes with the aged ones of her secretary.

The older woman merely sighed at her demeanor. "I'm…calling your mother."

The blonde sighed loudly and whacked the packet of papers into the bin, making a harsh, loud sound. "She'll come in her own accord. Let her sleep…I'll be here when she decides to come in."

Her secretary gave her a look which only screamed pity before nodding and closing the door to her office. Haruka folded her hands before her and growled loudly.

After last night's fiasco, she didn't have the heart to go back to her beach house. She figured she won't be able to in a while…not without the lingering thoughts of the aqua haired woman dancing through her mind. That entire place reminded her of them: the time they spent there, the secret meetings held every weekend, the happiness that was the outcome, the pain that was the outcome…their failed relationship.

The fact that she was readying herself for it to be a doomed one didn't help her feelings much. Her thoughts still centered itself on Michiru—she still wanted to touch her, talk to her, taste her, be with her. And for the millionth time since she left the galleria, she wished she never attended it in the first place. She wished she could turn back time and just not accept the invitation…be a good little CEO and attend the meet and greet properly just so she would be able to see Michiru again tonight.

Ignorance is bliss…was a saying she would be more than willing to accept.

But she knew even as she felt this now…that the lingering thought that Michiru had spent time with her and with another man at the same time…had squashed her feelings that the smaller woman might've wanted the same relationship with her. It was foolish of her to think otherwise, but a girl could dream couldn't she? The violinist had been gentler than Keiko had ever been. She had listened, she had spoken…they spent hours upon hours just being together…and those hours changed Haruka, but it saddened her to know that it was nothing, but sex to the younger woman.

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