FwB Chapter 11: Promise

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The butterflies in her stomach had begun flying wildly around again…

It started last night, right after she dropped Michiru off to her condo and the promises of meeting several hours into the next day were made. She didn't get enough sleep since then either and she hoped…really hoped…that she wasn't making another mistake.

The seed of doubt nestled itself in her mind as soon as she laid down on her comfortable bed, her blankets strewn and kicked haphazardly at the bottom of her feet. All the nerve endings encompassing her body were telling her that to meet up with the violinist again and force herself in a situation where they would be alone and talking for at least the majority of the day was the worst decision she could make.

She was supposed to forget about her…and this was definitely a complete one-eighty to that plan.

And yet…even as her mind rambled on, on how bad this idea was, her heart, apparently the current one stronger of the two, was resolute on seeing Michiru again…so the decision to just go ahead and throw caution to the wind was already made even as she worried herself sick about what could happen.

Really though…what was the worst that could happen?

They haven't seen one another in a month and she was sure the other girl, albeit the wonderful feeling her kiss left her feeling last night, doesn't feel a tad bit for her at all…at least not in the same way as the blonde felt for her. It would be a meeting between two friends…Yes, that's all it was.

And that knowledge left her with two completely different mixed emotions: relief and discontent.

She sighed loudly as the elevator she was currently riding on binged open and a hallway of a few doors entered her view. Her heart which had begun pounding incessantly since she entered the all too suddenly cramped elevator had reached a new high and was attempting to make an escape out of her rib cage…or at least that's how it felt like.

Breathing loudly and evenly in an attempt to quell the nervousness she was feeling, she walked to the white wooden door and stared at it for a moment, brushing her hands through her already wildly mussed hair as she did so. Biting her lip and sporting what looked to be a pained look on her handsome features, she raised her hand to the door and…dropped it back down to her side.

"Ugh…" She rolled her eyes at herself. Even a simple knock was nearly impossible with her in this state…and her heart…really needed to stop beating so fast and hard because any more of this assault would result in a heart attack…she could feel it.

Raising her hand up to the door again, she licked the bottom of her already drying lips absentmindedly before knocking on the door softly. A couple seconds with no answers and her fist rose in the air again, this time knocking just a tad bit louder than earlier.

Her mind was telling her to flee while she still had a chance…call Michiru back up from downstairs again and say…she had an accident…or something…

One more time, and if she doesn't answer it's Fate telling me to get the hell out… she thought resolutely to herself and rose her hand in the air a final time.

Before she could even touch the door, it opened softly, quietly and a beautiful head of a freshly showered Michiru greeted her with only her neck and up showing.


Oh, God the way she just said her name…

The young CEO smiled nervously at her, wishing to the Gods up there that she couldn't hear the beating of her heart that pounded against her ears roughly. "Ready?" She hated the fact that she even sounded nervous…

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