1: Goodbye Joseph

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Bella's pov.

Joseph has been ignoring me since my birthday and so has the rest of his family. The only one who I've communicated with is Serenity and that's not normal. She came over a few days ago wanting to talk,


My birthday party was last night and I'm still debating on if I should go to school on Monday or not.
Ring... Ring.. Ring.
I look at my phone. Its Serenity. That's unusual.
"Hi, Serenity," I say answering the phone.
"Bella.. Can I come over? I need to talk to you," she said in a rush. I almost couldn't understand what she was saying.
"Yea, sure. Is everything alright?" I asked her hoping to get something out kg her before she came over.
"Ill tell you when I get to your house Bella. Ill be there in 15," she told me hanging up the phone.
As I waited for Serenity to get here I started on my history homework, we had an essay on world war 2 do in a week and I wanted to get it done now so I had time to prof read it and make sure it was perfect so I wouldn't get a bad grade.
Just as I was about to start the final paragraph there was a knock on the door.
"Come in Serenity," I said as though she was right next to me knowing she heard me.
"Bella I wanted to talk to you," she said walking into the living room and sat down on the couch.
"Serenity I have one question first," I looked at her and awaited for her to give me permission to speak.
"What is it Bella?" she asked after about a minute of thinking.
"I wanted to know why it is you hate me," I said turning back to my paper waiting for her to answer.
"Bella I do not hate you. I mean I don't like you per say but... Bella... I.." she never finished her sentence she just got up and ran at vamp speed out of the door. Along with her leaving I got the feeling that something wasn't right.

End of Flashback

Its been two days since I've seen Serenity and I still haven't gotten the feeling that something was wrong out of me.
Pulling into school today I saw Serenity with Lilith and Thomas. As soon as my car was parked I jumped out of my car and ran to them before they had the chance to get away. The parking lot was full of kids so I didn't have to worry about them vamp speeding out of there but even without them using it there still faster than me. When I was about fifteen feet away from them I tripped and fell i didn't get hurt but I did scrape my hand. I was bleeding enough to need a band-aid.
"Ill take you to the office," Lilith said moving away from Thomas some.
"Lilith no! Thomas! You must stay with him. Ill take her," Serenity told Lilith and motioned for me to follow her. It took us three minutes to get to the office in all of which were silent and slightly awkward.
At lunch I sat with Thomas, and Lilith but Serenity was no where to be seen. I then realized that the entire day I wasn't thinking about Joseph at all. He wasn't even in my head. It was Serenity. Without a word I stood up and walked out of the lunch room. I called Joseph and told him to meet me behind my house and hung up. I wasn't leaving any room for argument. I waited in my back yard for at least ten minutes. When he showed up he vamp speeder over to me.
"Bella. I'm sorry. I was scared that I would hurt you again. Why aren't you in school? Is everything alright?" he rambled on. "Why are you taking me into the forest?" 

After about thirty minutes of walking Joseph picked me up and ran farther into the forest. I didn't stop him because the faster we got deep into the forest the sooner I could tell him. After about two more minutes of him running I started to squirm, when he finally stopped running I pulled myself out of his grip and turned to look where we were. From what I could tell we were at least three miles in and almost to the meadow. 

"Its over Joseph. I've found someone else," he looked like he was gonna catch on fire.

"SERENITY!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.
How did he know it was her? At least the only ones that could hear would be a vampire concidering I took him almost three miles into the forest.
Joseph looked at me with a sadistic smile on his face. He looked like Jedidiah did when he tried to kill me. His eyes turned black and he looked ready to kill. To kill me.
He started circling me and crouched down like he was an animal stalking his prey. Just as he was about to leap someone landed right in front of me. Her long blonde hair is what gave her away. It was Serenity. As Joseph went to leap Seren gripped onto my waist and flew me up into a tree then jumped down behind Joseph and kicked him into a tree opposite of me.
As he got back to his feet the rest of the Fillmores came racing in they stood between Seren and Joseph.
Seeing that they weren't going to leave Seren jumped up into the tree and grabbed a hold of me then gracefully jumped back down.

"What's going on here?" Henry asked Joseph and Serenity. Then looking between Serenity and me, as I hid myself in her.

"Bella broke up with Joseph," she began looking down at me to see if I wanted to continue I shook my head yes and turned to face everyone.
"As Seren said I broke up with Joseph. I told him to come to my house. When he got here I took him back here. I told him its over and that I found someone else. Then he yelled Seren's name at the top of his lungs then started circling me. His eyes went black and right before he was gonna leap Seren jumped infront of me and stopped him from killing me. She saved my life," I smiled at the last part and looked at Seren. By the time I was done everyone had made their way over infront of Seren and me, as I said that last part everyone turned and glared at Joseph. James and Thomas growled and hissed while Lilith held Ilya as she dry sobbed at the thought of her own son killing a human. Killing me.
"GET OUT OF THIS TOWN AND AWAY FROM MY FAMILY!!" Henry was more than upset he was furious. I've never heard him yell before and I've known him for almost two years. Joseph was never coming back after what Henry said to him. Ever.

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