Untitled Part 17

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"Will you stop looking at each other and pay attention to me?" I heard a little jingle bell voice say from my lap. I look down and see Allia with long brown, gold, and red hair hanging freely down her back, beautiful blue and gold eyes with red and purple flakes with long eyelashes framing them. The clothes had grown with her but made her look a little too young.

"How? How do you do that?" I asked her picking her up and turning her in circles.

"I'm not really sure, I heard you thinking about how you wanted to see what I looked like when I was five then I started thinking about it and it just happened." She told me reaching out for Lena. I gave her to Lena then used my changing gift and changed her clothes into a little pink dress with her hair up in a pony tail and tight curls with a bow holding it up. Once she was all dressed and I was done using my powers we went to go find her brothers and sisters to show them what Allia could do and to see if they had the connection to her like they do with each other.

The kids were all in the playroom sitting at the table playing a game they made up about a month ago when they got tired of the original rules. Allia walked in and sat down with them without saying a word. They all sat there looking from one another and nodding their heads a couple times. I try to listen to their thoughts but again it only sounds like baby talk. I can hear all five of them talking though so I know Allia is in on the conversation. I turn to Lena and gesture for her to follow me and we walk back to the bedroom.

"Ever since I got here you haven't really told me about you past life and how you came to know that vampires existed," Lena says once we are in the room. I go sit on the bed and she follows. We sit next to each other and just try to think of where to begin.

"Well..." I started then told her my story including what happened with Serenity. Then the kids came down and went to the throne room to see Hugh and Allia sat on my lap while I finished the story. After I was done Serenity and I went down to the throne room with Allia. 

"Next time I hear of anyone doing anything like this they will be thrown in the dungeon," I heard Hugh say as we were coming down the stairs. Lena and I looked at each other before putting Allia down and running to the throne room. I put my hood up just as we approached the doors they opened and revealed the one person the kids and I ran away from.

What is she doing here? What right does she have to come after me? I silently walk over to my throne and sit down with Lena and Allia following me. I look at Serenity and the rest of my old family then look at my kids. There all just sitting there like normal. I don't think they grew to attached to anyone. Except maybe James and Ilya. I read their minds and find that I was right the only two they want to go to right now is James and Ilya.

"James, Iyla please step forward" I say without putting my hood down. They do as I say and stepped a little ahead of everyone. "The rest of you step back and off to the side," I told them waving my hand at them. After a second they turned and did as I said with caution. I put an invisibility sheild around all of us then put another protective shield around Iyla, James, my children and myself, and everyone else except for the rest of the Fillmores so that when my children went to see them the Fillmores couldn't attack. Then I turned to Allia and saw that she was slowly turning back into her regular self so I picked her up and held her in my lap then I mind linked the kids to tell them to show Iyla and James what happened these past few weeks but to leave out Lena and Allia. I didn't need them finding out about them yet they need to take it slow. The kids did as I said then turned back to look at me when they had finished. "Go ahead," I told them then turned to look at Lena. She was watching Iyla and James very closely. 

"Are you sure we can trust them?" She asked me not turning her head away for a minute while she tried to evaluate them more. 

"Yes babe, I'm sure. I lived wtih them long enough to know that the most they will do is never stop hugging them," I turned to her and made her look at me as I was telling her this and she smiled. When she turned back to look at the kids I took a glimpse to see if Serenity was actually here. I saw her standing off by her self not looking at anyone or anything, she seemed pretty depressed and I wondered why. She's the one that left me not the other way around. Unless she is regretting leaving but its to late now she had her chance and she was going to have to live with it. A part of me was still faintly wanting to comfort her but I didn't want to hurt Lena she was the mother of some of my children and she didn't deserve that, but on the other hand so was Seren. Why does this have to be so hard? 

I turned and looked at the kids they saw me looking at Seren and they looked at her too, they missed her as well, Seren had been the first one to hold them and they will always care about her. I turned and looked at Lena, she too had been looking at Seren. 

"Lena, what are you looking at?" I asked her trying to get her attention. She turned and looked at me.

"Bella I think we have two mates," she said then turned back to look at Serenity. I looked at her, is that possible? How would that happen? I mean I have a ton of powers but I never thought that it could happen. I thought for a few more minutes then looked at my children and waved for them to sit down. 

"Serenity, please come here," I called for her changing my voice a little so she wouldn't recognize it. She looked up at me and Lena then looked back down and started to slowly walk over. When she got to the shield she paused, she had detected the shield and waited for me to lift it for her to come in, just as it was high enough for her to walk under she did, how had she known my shield was there. "Serenity, this is Lena,"  I told her pointing to Lena then looking down at the sleeping baby in my arms I gave Allia to Lena and stood up. After a few moments of breathing and getting my strength back together I took off my hood.

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