Chapter 3: Twins!!

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"We should ask Henry he might have answers," Seren said looking at me. As soon as she finished her sentence the rest of the Fullmores walked through the front door.

"Answers about what?" Henry asked looking between Seren and I. He was standing between Lilith and Ilya. Lilith was jumping up and down and you could she the happiness radiating off of her body.

"Have you told them, yet?" I asked looking at Lilith

"No I haven't, but hurry before I do." she said walking into the living room.

"Do you want to talk down here or up in my office?" Henry asked watching Alice leave then turning to Rose.

"Your office. Joseph is gonna be here in ten seconds. Hurry Serenity carry Bella or you won't get up there in time." Lilith said. After we were safe in Henry's office, I heard Joseph come through the front door. Immediately my hand flew to my stomach. I looked from Seren to Henry.

"What is it Seren?" Henry asked Seren, because I was curled in a ball on her lap hiding my head in her neck and holding my stomach as to try and protect the baby from any harm.

"Henry... Bellas... Pregnant," she said with slight hesitation. I figured it was because she didn't want Joseph to hear her and wasn't sure if he could or not.

"Is it..."

"No its not his, it can't be. I've only ever done anything with Seren, no one else," I interrupted Henry knowing what he was going to say.

"We were hoping you had an idea to how it happened. Or, if Bella will in fact be okay," Seren, said holding my stomach with her free hand.

"I'm not completely sure I will do some searching, but before lets go take some ultrasounds and see if the baby is okay," Henry said walking towards the door. Following Henry out the door we heard Ilya yelling at Joseph telling him he wasn't apart of the family anymore and that he must leave the house immediately.

We quickly ran from Henry's office into the medical room and locked the door. I laid down on the bed and Henry walked over to the ultrasound tv and wheeled it over next to my bedside so he could do the ultrasound. He put the jelly on my abdomen and got out the camera thing. He turned on the machine and put the camera on the jelly and looked around for the baby. He didn't exactly find a baby though he found two. It was to early to determine the gender but he thought it was one girl and one boy.

Next thing we hear is banging on the door and Joseph yelling to let us in. I look at Seren with fear on my face, I didn't want to lose the babies because of him. Henry tells Joseph to leave that he is no longer welcome in this house. Joseph growls louder than ever before and knocks down the door...

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