Our Room??

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Walking down the hallway away from the throne room we see a lot of old pictures one of King Hugh, one of him and his mate, and one of the old king that died leaving the throne to King Hugh. As we walk past the first door it opens along with all of the others that we walk past going down the hall way. I look in the eyes of everyone that opens the door and take their powers from them. This leaves them a little weaker than i thought it would so I copied the gifts and gave them back to the people leaving the gifts weaker than they were before. They will each get their powers back slowly over time depending on how hard they work at them. As we get to the end of the hallway we turn and go up a flight of stairs. Up here the walls have less pictures and more of a homey feeling to it. This must be where those with mates stay. We walk down to the end of the hall again this time no one comes out of the rooms. At the end of the hall we stop at the last door on the left. Lena touches the door and it opens to reveal a living room with a couch big enough for three elephants to sit on. And a tv about half its size centered above a fireplace. As we walk through the door to the left is a chef kitchen and an island. Then to the right is a flight of stairs. I walk up the stairs and look in the first room. It is decorated for a little girl Ro walks in and lays on the bed. The next room down is for Lila she runs in and opens the closet putting all of her clothes away. Ethyrum walks into his room and turns on the T.V. and playing the video game that is on it. Jackson runs to his room and lays in bed watching T.V. I walk to my room and look around the room. It's decorated in red and black the bed is centered in the middle of the room with night stands on each side. at the foot of the bed is an old trunk. On the wall across from my bed is a fireplace with a T.V. hanging on the wall above it. Drawings of me and my kids are in picture frames on the mantel. I walk up to them. Who ever drew these where amazing, another picture in the middle is of me and the girl cuddling on the couch in the living room. I couldn't tell when it was but the Christmas tree was up and there were presents under the tree.

I walk back from the picture and walk to the semi circle window where two chairs are sitting with a small table in between them. There is a book sitting on the table I read the cover, Fairest by Gail Carson Levine. I read the first page at super speed. It sounds interesting, I'll have to read it sometime. Putting down the book I walk into the closet and see one side of clothes and the other side empty except for a few robes that I have to wear when I'm on guard duty. I start unpacking my suitcase and get done within a few minutes. I walk out of the closet and sit on the bed. I look around the room trying to think of something for me to do. I decide to look in the trunk, getting up I walk to the end of the bed then decide to wait for her to come up here before I look in it. I don't know what she has in it.

I walk into the kids room and they are all sleeping in their beds so I walk to my room and go to sleep.

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