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The Next Day

After we put the kids to bed last night we all sat down and talked about what we would do about Joseph. We decided that we would wait for him to attack then fight none of us want to put the kids in danger, as they get older we will help them progress in their abilities until he shows up and depending on how old they are they may or may not fight. After a certain age, they will be able to decide on whether or not they fight but we will address that when the time comes. 

After that, I went to sleep and gave everyone the ability to sleep as well. We woke up to little feet jumping on our bed. I look and see Jackson jumping up and landing on his butt. When did he learn how to climb out of his bed? And how did he get up here? 

I look over at Seren she is still asleep, she is probably really tired. She hasn't slept in over 400 years. I shake her a little bit to get her to wake up. She just lays there. I turn off everyone's ability to sleep and her eyes pop open. When Jackson sees her awake he jumps and lands on her giving her the biggest hug. Then he gets up and gives me one to. After he gives me a hug he jumps off of the bed and runs out of the room and down the hall. I sit up in bed and look after him, I see all four of the babies standing at the end of the hall in the doorway of the toy room. They turn all at the same time and walk in. Seren and I get out of bed and walk down the hall peeking into the room. All of the babies are sitting at their table looking at each other not saying or doing anything. I listen to the thoughts of Lila and I hear all four of their thoughts. Then I listen to Ethrums and I hear the same thing. It is the same for the other two. They must have a mind link or something like that. I can't understand what they are saying though. Its like if they don't invite me into the conversation all I hear is gibberish like a baby talking or a foreign language.
I look at Seren and motion for her to follow me. I walk back to the bedroom to get dressed and tell her what I saw. 

"That's cool. I wonder if they can communicate with the rest of the family like that to or if it's just for them," Seren stated as we walked down the stairs. 

"Yes we can," Jackson told us as he crawled half way down the stairs where Seren and I are standing. I bent down and picked him up carrying him down the stairs and into the kitchen. I put him in his chair and turned to Ilya. 

"Could you make everyone something to eat?" I told her turning on the power for everyone to eat. Along with the power though was the power to go to the bathroom, after the said vampire goes to the bathroom the power is turned off. I look at Ilya and she is holding her stomach. She must be really hungry. I look at the rest of the vampires who came into the kitchen after I turned on the power. I gave each of them one of the babies sandwiches that were premade for them and they left the kitchen. After Ilya finished eating she started cooking. Walking out to the living room I saw James stealing Lilith's sandwich and made him get the stomach flu. He lied on the ground crying in pain and because of the many human traits he has right now the tears fell. Then I turned off the power and we all laughed at him. A few minutes later Ilya said it was time to eat. We all ran out to the kitchen and the babies were put in the high chairs. Ilya had prepared a feast of food filled with turkey and chicken and mashed potatoes and corn and corn bread and a whole bunch of everything. All of the vampires would be trying a lot of this food for the first time. This should be fun. James picked up the turkey first and ate it. One of the things he loved as a human. Seren looked at the cooked turkey and chicken she looked like she was fighting with herself about something.

"What's wrong Babe?" I ask looking at the food. 

"I was a vegetarian when I was human. I didn't eat any meat,"

"Try some now though Seren the animals from today breakfast were already suffering from complications. The turkey was blind and the chicken deaf. They couldn't stay alive any longer or an animal would've hurt them," I tell her holding her hand while she picked up her fork and put a little bit of turkey on her plate. She broke a little piece off and put it in her mouth. 

"I like it," she said putting another piece in her mouth. I put some turkey and chicken and mashed potatoes and stuffing on my plate and gave the babies some food. They started eating immediately.  We ate until all of the food was gone. I was full and so was everyone else. After the babies got done eating they climbed out of their chairs and went straight to bed. 

Walking up stairs with Seren into our room we saw four little bumps in our bed, they must've come in here when they got done eating. Seren and I both picked up two of them and carried them to their bedroom. They each have their own but in the play room, there were two toddler size bunk beds that they have been sleeping in. We are supposed to take them down tomorrow so they can learn to sleep by themselves so for now, we will put them in the toddler room for the one last night they will sleep in there. Like I do every night since I was changed I give everyone the power to sleep and we all fall fast asleep, after everyone goes to the bathroom. 

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