The game continues...

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 "This is not man!" Elfman yelled and stood, his large form causing the table to rock as he stood and stomped towards Happy and the master. He glared down at the exceed who trembled with slight fear as the blue cat inhaled the fumes of alcohol which lingered on Elfman's breath. "You grew bored so stopped the game but still won't let us leave? What type of man are you!" His voice echoed around the room and Happy took a step back, still clinging to the container which he held.

 "I'm not a man. I'm a cat," he watched Elfman slam his fist against the bare near his paw. Happy yelled and dropped the container, spilling its contents across the bar whilst he hid behind Charla who stood, her arms crossed and tale swaying whilst she glared up at Elfman, not phrased by his attitude.

 "Now look what you made happy do. I shall find us a new host of the game if only you sit down." Reluctantly, Elfman nodded and sunk to his seat. His eyes widened at hearing a loud crash echo through the room and a group of girls- the girls from fairy tail- walk in, their cheeks flushed pink whilst they clung to bottles, both empty and full. Erza led the pack and slammed her bottle of beer on the bar, near Elfman's splayed hand. She glared up at him and then leant forwards and grabbed his head, forcing him to his knee's in front of her.

 "Apologise!" she demanded and pulled out what could only be described as a paper fan. Elfman stayed silent and frowned up at her until she slabbed the fan against the bar. "I said apologise!" She placed her foot on his back and pressed weight onto it whilst continuing to demand an apology from him despite his confusion.

 "Where's Natsu-nee?" Lucy called out from the door as she stepped into the room, squinting at each of the guys faces who mirrored each others in shock. Her eyes appeared to widen as they landed on Pantherlily who stood in his full, size, his usual blade strapped to his back. She propelled herself at him and clung to his arm, rubbing her face against it whilst purring affectionately. "Natsu-nee, why did you leave me?" She asked with a slight whine despite the exceeds obvious discomfort.

 "No leaving!" Minerva yelled, her hands resting on her hips whilst she held out an unopened bottle of wine towards Ren and Bicklow who had attempted to escape in the midst of the chaos the girls had brought.

 "My babies need room to breath though!" Bicklow had countered and ducked as she swung the bottle towards his head with an angry swipe.

 "I said no leaving!" she repeated whilst Juvia crawled past her, towards the bar, crying out the name of her loved one who was absent from the chaos. She stopped once she was sat on a stool and her eyes widened, her tears instantly drying as her gaze lingered on the knocked over container.

 "Huh?" She tilted her head and her head snapped around as, for the second time in the last hour, the doors crashed open and Mira walked in. Silence descended whilst she walked silently towards the bar, her nose occasionally twitching, appearing to be a radar for whatever she was after. She stopped beside Juvia, her eyes beginning to twinkle with delight.

 "I knew I smelt new ships being formed!" Mira's gaze flickered over the room of men who attempted to conceal their faces with their hands. Her left hand rested on her hip. "You boys were playing Seven Minutes Of Heaven without us, weren't you?" She frowned and scooped up the items, throwing them into the container which they had been in. Whilst she did she looked over her shoulder at the villager girls and lesser known mages who sat, with their backs straight and wide eyes in silence. Without a pause she pointed towards the girl towards the front of a small huddle. "You, you will be going with my brother as I sort out this mess!"


Next part is Elfman. :3

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