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A small snigger left my lips and I turned to face the master who was jumping up and down on the bar, his face flushed with anger at hearing the news that Natsu and the girl he had been with had set the basement on fire before fleeing from the crime. "It's not surprising that the flamehead would set the basement on fire." I nodded my head in agreement at hearing Grey's comment before turning to face the bar at seeing Gramps pulling out another number card. "Okay number 6, your up next." I glanced down at the card in my hand before jumping off the bar stool I had been sat on and walking over to where the master was sat. I plunged my hand in the bucket, my fingers shifting through the bulging bucket before I sighed and pulled out a simple grey spike. I stared blankly down at it before stiffening at hearing a loud thudding behind me, alerting me who the spike belonged to. "I believe that's mine." I nodded my head at the comment and without looking back threw the spike over my shoulder for the owner to catch. I walked to the top of the stairs before wrinkling my nose in disgust at smelling smoke and turned to face Laxus who was watching me wearily. "I'll see you in the basement Laxus." I winked at the frowning blond lightening mage before walking down the stairs...

I sat on a wooden crater, my legs kicking the wood whilst I sat playing with a ribon, threading it through my fingers. I glanced up before grinning at seeing Laxus standing just inside the basement and shutting the door behind him. He reached into a pocket in his jacket that he was wearing and pulled out a tourch. His fingers clicked it on and he placed it in the center of the room. He eyed me wearily at seeing me still smiling before moving to lean againat a wall. "Why are you smiling?" I shook my head in response, a small glint in my eye and I jumped off the crate. I walked towards Laxus and stood a few meters away before wrapping my arms around him in a hug. I giggled a little at feeling him stiffen in my arms for a few moments he pushed me gently away. "What was that?" I raised an eyebrow at his comment before walking towards the crate where I was originally sat and jumped ontop of it, sitting down. "I was just welcoming you back Laxus. It's been a long time since we last talked, hasn't it?" I smirked slightly before going back to fiddling with the yellow ribbon I held in my hands. "It's good to see you back in the guild but... I see you havn't changed that much." A small teasing tone entered my voice and I placed on my most innocent face at seeing him narrow his gaze in annoyance. "What's that meant to mean? I'm a lot stronger than I was last time I saw you ___________" I chuckled softly under my breath and placed the ribbon down to give Laxus my full attention. "I know your stronger power wise but... your still not super stronge." I turned my face away and used my hair to shield my face. I giggled a little at hearing him walk towards me and stop a few meters away. "In what way am I not super strong?" I giggled a little and grabbed hold of Laxus by the arm and pulled him up, so that he was sat next to me. "Here I'll show you how your not super strong." I leaned in close to Laxus and placed a hand on his cheek before leaning in and kissing him gently on the lips. I pulled almost immediantly away before yelping a little in surprise at feeling Laxus grab the back of my head and pull me back in. This time making the kiss last longer... a lot longer.

I frowned and pulled away from Laxus at hearing a giggle and turned to glare at Happy who was stood in front of the basement door, a camera in hand. My gaze narrowed and I jumped off the crate, realisation setting in. "Happy you blue sprout. I'm going to kill you!" I ran towards the open door and out into the guild main doors, following Happy as he Yelled "________-- and Laxus sitting in a tree K I S S I N G..."

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