starting the game

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Fairy tail & minutes in heaven

Okay guys, I know that their are loads of these done... well to be honest I've only seen three others and two of them only have one part which is kind of a let down. Anyway please enjoy and feel free to request for a member. Also don't forget to read, vote and share.


I sat in front of the bar in Fairy Tail, my head in my hands before I let it drop down onto the bars side in pity and frustration at hearing the girls conversation around me, all of it sounding the same but different at the same time. "Hey are you all right ____________?" Slowly I raised my head and turned my bored gaze to face the owner of the voice, Cana, who was looking at me with slight concern. I nodded my head before sighing and rolling my eyes, distaste written all over my face. Why is it that they have to talk about a topic like that? Their was no way for me to participate in this sort of topic conversation. "I need to stop this right away." My voice came out as a mutter so that the only people who heard me was Charla who had been sitting on my knee and Wendy who had been sat on the bar in front of me, her legs kicking the wood as they swung. "How are you going to stop them with their conversation __________?" I gazed blankly at Charla before letting a sly smile play on my lips. "Well Charla that answer is a simple one. I'm going to get the guild to play a little game that me and my friends in my home town used to play?" I chuckled softly under my breath before shaking my head, lifting Charla off my lap to be placed in Wendy's arms and walking away over to where the master was sat, his gaze staring into the depths of the empty beer glass he was holding. "Her Gramps." I greeted the master warmly and smiled sweetly at seeing his eyes light up in delight at seeing that someone had finally acknowledged his existence. "Hello _________. How may I help you today?" I shook my head before jumping onto the bars side so that I was sat next to him. "I was just thinking master that we need to play a game in the guild, offer a reward of course to encourage the members to participate of course." Gramps nodded his head in agreement, his face looking delighted with my suggestion before frowning and rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "It's a good idea but what game would we play?" I rolled my eyes at his comment, jumped down off the bar and grabbed a spare black bucket and a black cloth from behind the bar. "Isn't it obvious gramps? We should play seven minuets in heaven." I stated the name of the game in a low voice so that no one else could hear what I had said before I grabbed the cloth and sellotaped it over the stop of the bucket and slitting it in the middle to create a small circle, just big enough for a hand to get through. I grinned wickedly up at the master who was chuckling under his breath softly. "You know what _________ I believe that you may be onto something with that game." I nodded my head, agreeing, and held up my finished bucket design before stating clearly. "Yes gramps. It's also a way to kill to birds with one stone..."


"All right everyone. Now please quieten down so that we can start the game!" I winced in my seat at hearing Gramps shout at the top of his lungs, causing all of the members to turn his way and frown. "Okay thanks to a good suggestion from an unknown source we are going to play a game call seven minutes in heaven. All of you girls, Happy is coming around with a number card for you all and all of you guys you will have noticed that something of yours will be missing." I turned and gazed at the male members of Fairy Tail who had a mixture of looks on their faces before I turned and excepted my card number which read number ________ . "If you guys wish for you item back you will participate in this game." A small smile played on my lips once again at heading a grumble sound around the rooms until a shout sounded. "And what about if we don't play?" A small snigger lefts my lips followed by a smirk at hearing the next words leave gramps lips. "Well if you don't play then you will be cut off from the bar. This means you won't be able to drink here EVER AGAIN!" I chuckled softly under my breath at hearing the numerous groans before cracking my knuckles, preparing myself for the games to begin. This is going to be fun...


Okay guys. Introduction is done so I'll start with characters now. Don't forget to vote and recommend characters though...

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