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Markrov paced across the bar in front of me, his brow creased into a frown whilst he listened to Happy who was blubbering like a new born child, complaining about his partner who had been a little... too violent for his taste. With a small mumbled sigh I stood and walked to the bar and poured my glass of beer over the Exceeds head. "Just quit whining for once cat." Around the room the guild members froze and looked at me, blinking in surprise at seeing my anger before slowly, one by one, they clapped, cheering at seeing that for once Happy had quit whining. Guilt pummelled at my gut before I glanced over at Happy and then towards Markov. "I... I'll take my turn now. It's number five though."  Without waiting for pause I walked towards the room where the game was to take place and glanced around before wincing at seeing the badly patched up hole in the door. 'How many rooms had we gone through?  Oh, we were still on our second.' With a small smirk I sat on a box and pried the one next to it open, curious to see what was in it. 

I continued to sit on the box, the moments ticking quietly by whilst a small chuckle formed in my throat at hearing a heated discussion taking place in the main room, apparently no one was willing to go and be my partner. 'What a bunch of-' The thought trickled away as my gaze darted towards the door at hearing heavy footsteps pound against the floor before the door was pushed open revealing Gajeel standing there, his facial expression in a smirk whilst he flexed his hands. "Oi shrimp." I rolled my eyes to the back of my head and sighed. "Look here metal head-" A small squeak of alarm left from my lips at seeing Gajeel charge over and pin my arms to my side before planting a kiss straight on my own. Shock cursed through my veins at feeling him try and pry his tongue into my mouth before, with all my strength, I shoved him away and slapped his face. "You jerk!" Tears stung my eyes before anger spiked at seeing him sneer. "Not so much fun when it happens to you is it?" My gaze narrowed before I placed my hands to my lips and yelled "Roar of the ________ dragon!"

I pushed open the door to the room a few moments later at seeing Gajeel collapsed on the floor, knocked out by my attack before with a small groan I looked at the mess I had created, all the previously neatly placed boxes scattered around in a mess  whilst papers fluttered around half burnt and completely destroyed. At hearing Happy flying my way I stepped out of his way and ran quickly to the open window and leaped out of it just as Happy's shriek alerted the guild members of the mess I had left behind. 

7 minutes in heaven (fairy tail)Where stories live. Discover now