Chapter Three

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Standing about a foot away, with a hand stretched out towards me, was a brunette boy. For a second I simply stared at him, taken aback by the girly features. If I hadn't known better... I would have sworn... with those brown eyes...

"Um, are you alright?" he asked again.

Startled, I quickly nodded, swiping the back of my hand over both of my eyes before hesitating, my eyes resting on his hand. No danger there, after all, we were in the middle of a public hallway. No crowd to hide anything... just a hand...

I forced myself to take it, doing my best not to tense up as he helped me stand.

"I'm fine, thank-you."

The boy nodded and offered me a smile.

"Are you lost? I haven't seen you around here before."

Chewing on the inside of my lip, I reached down to pick up my things before replying.

"I'm new... I can't seem to find my classroom."

"Which is it?" he asked, eyes flickering away from me, to the empty hall and back. "You don't have long before class starts. It'd be better if I could point you in the right direction than just having you wonder around."

I couldn't help the slight flush that came to my cheeks. He was being so nice.


The boy's smile grew larger and I could have sworn my heart skipped a beat. He was too much.

"That's my room," the boy told me, giving a small bow. "Fujioka Haruhi, it's nice to meet you."

"B-Bello Zaira," I replied, watching him with wide eyes. Was I supposed to bow back? I can't remember. Maybe it's a curtsy.

"Come with me, Bello-san, if we hurry we shouldn't be late."

With those words, Haruhi grabbed my wrist and started down the hall. I tensed just slightly, but the relief flooding through me at having a guide was stronger than the urge to jerk my hand away was. I wasn't going to be an embarrassment, I would make it on time.



"Please welcome our new student, Bello Zaira. Bello-chan, why don't you tell them a bit about yourself."

I could feel the eyes of the class on me. My body was trembling and I had to clasp my hands together, trying to hide even a bit of it. If I hadn't known that it would make a bigger scene than me making a fool of myself in front of them, I would have simply run from the room.

"I-I-I m-moved here f-f-from-" I began, breaking off as I heard a snicker from the back of the classroom.

It was easy to locate the culprit with my eyes, a red headed boy who was seated next to Haruhi. Within a second I'd also noticed the fact that there was a boy who looked identical to the first seated on the other side. They must have been who Kyoya was talking about. I could feel the heat rising to my face as I forced myself to get past this little thing and continue.

"F-from my home in F-France. I-it's a pl-pleasure t-to meet you."

I bowed a little, fully aware of how I must look. Speaking was one of my problems. One of my many, many problems. I didn't normally stutter, only when my nerves are getting the better of me, which happened way too often.

Instead of asking for questions, the teacher simply instructed me to take one of the empty desks. I guess it was pretty obvious that it would be a struggle for me to answer anything. Grateful, I sat myself at the first desk I saw, one towards the front of the classroom that placed at least a row between the twins and I. As nice as it would have been to sit next to Haruhi, I was aware of Kyoya's command to avoid the redheads who he'd called the Hitachiin twins.

The Shadow King's Princess (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now