Chapter Eleven

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That did not come out how I meant it to. Actually, it was not meant to come out at all.

The twins started laughing. Haruhi looked as if she didn’t know what to say. Tamaki just looked surprised more than anything, and Honey was grinning rather widely.


Kyoya, whose reaction was the most important, looked scary calm. You know how some people, when they’re extremely irritated, don’t get mad, but get calm?

That was how this felt.


“I’m not lying!” Renge declared, not seeming to pick up on the mood. “He’s kind to everyone, and never asks for anything in return!”

It was about this time I began to take a few steps backwards, angling my body towards the door. Perhaps everyone would be too distracted by the new crazy French girl to notice the other one making her escape. However, the moment my eyes landed on the twins, checking to see if they’d noticed my escape, I remembered their insurance and froze in place. I couldn’t just leave my violin behind with them.

“Loves the solitude but actually hates the loneliness! The throbbing love simulation game, you--” Renge squealed, her finger pointing towards Kyoya.

Wait, what?

“--who looks like Ichijo Miyabi-kun from Uki-Doki memorial!”

That explained everything, I realized. She was a… what was the word for it? Otaku?

“I see,” Kyoya mused. “A girl with a lot of interest in characters. She replaces me with her favorite character, makes me her fiance, and gets lost in her wild fantasies…”

I looked like such an idiot right then. Not only did I burst out with something that I was almost certain I’d hear about later, but I also managed to burst out like that over a girl who was, which was now obvious, disconnected from reality.

“Wait, how can you be so calm?” I heard Tamaki question, before he shook his head and raised his voice where everyone could hear it. “Her wild fantasies…? Isn’t she your fiance…?”

To heck she is, I thought to myself. The only person engaged to him is-

Wait, why was I so worked up over this? Wouldn’t it be better if that was the case, and I was just a normal person? I wished for that all the time…

I dismissed the thoughts, trying to focus more on the conversation. I’d learned quite awhile back that it was better not to broad on things. After all, too many things set off panic/anxiety attacks anymore. I couldn’t think of anything in this current situation, but you never know.

“I don’t remember affirming that fact even once,” Kyoya responded, his lips twisting up in a small, satisfied smirk. “Aren’t I right?”

About everyone in the room shot him a look with those words that practically said ‘You should’ve told us sooner’.

I wonder if the idea of him being engaged bothered them that much.

What would they think if they knew the truth?

As that idea ran through my mind, I realized that the conversation had turned elsewhere. Renge seemed to be getting all bubbly over something. Perhaps she was enjoying another fantasy.

“From what I see from the report, you’re managing everything in this club, Kyoya-sama?” she questioned, pressing her hands to her cheeks.

Honey popped up at that moment, his bunny clutched to his chest.

The Shadow King's Princess (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now