Chapter Fifteen

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“Is something wrong?”

As we neared the door that would lead us to the backroom where Akira and Keiko were, I finally realized that I hadn’t responded to any of Ichiro’s comments.

“N-no, I’m s-sorry, what were you s-saying?” I stuttered out, my face flushing red in embarrassment.

No matter what Kyoya had just done, I wasn’t with him right now, I reminded myself. I had to focus on what was going on here.

Even as I told myself that, his smile was still at the front of my mind. That look as he’d taken my hand-



Ichiro studied me for a moment, but then seemed to decide not to push the issue.

“As I was saying, they’ve got a bit of free time, so they agreed to meet and talk for a bit. However, I’m not sure how long it will be. After we’re done, my driver has already agreed to take us anywhere that we’d like. Do you have any restaurants where you’d like to go?”

I hesitated as we paused in front of the door.

“I actually haven’t gone out much since arriving in Japan,” I admitted slowly. “So I haven’t found a place I’d particularly like.”

Ichiro looked surprised, but then he shrugged with a  good natured smile.

“No problem, I’ll just choose the place, then.”

After he’d spoke, Ichiro opened up the door. On the other side people were rushing here and there, although there were also quite a few that were standing around and talking, many of them with instrument boxes sitting at the feet or somewhere nearby. Without even thinking, I found myself stepping closer to Ichiro. How long had it been since I’d stood in the middle of this sort of situation, meaning being near so many famous people?

I couldn’t recall the answer, but I did know one thing. The me then and the me now were two entirely different people. That me was thrilled. This me was nervous.

Never-the-less, the moment my eyes landed on Keiko I felt excitement overcome my nervousness. I was actually going to get the chance to talk to my idol, thanks to Ichiro.

“Keiko-sama, Akira-sama,” Ichiro called out, then turned his head just a bit, offering me an encouraging smile. “They don’t bite.”

“I don’t, at least.”

Tearing my eyes away from Ichiro, I turned my attention immediately to the speaker. I was startled to find him looking right back at me.

“Abe Akira,” he said, holding out his hand. “No need to be nervous with me. As I said, I’m not the one who might bite.”

“Akira!” Keiko scolded, startling me when I was about to take his hand.

He simply laughed, closing the distance left between our hands and firmly shaking mine.

“It’s the truth.”

As I looked towards her, I was surprised to find her giving Akira a look that was somewhere between a pout and a glare.

“You just don’t get it! You’re supposed to compliment me in front of cute little girls!”

Akira didn’t reply, instead he just started laughing even harder.

“Um…” I mumbled as I released Akira’s hand, pulling both of their attentions back to me. “I… I um…”

Under their gazes, I found any confidence I’d built up to give my greetings just disappeared. Dropping my eyes, I offered a hasty cursty so that I at least had a chance of them not seeing how red my face had turned after my stammers.

The Shadow King's Princess (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now