Chapter Ten

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There wasn’t a chance to escape after school even if I had wanted to try. The moment that class was dismissed, the twins were standing to each side of my desk.



I winced, but simply nodded as I stood and reached for my violin case. They had thankfully returned it upon the end of the lunch period. However, the moment I started to grab it, I watched as it was once again snatched up. Alarmed, my eyes shot to the twins, who simply grinned at me.

“Insurance,” they explained simultaneously.

“I-I-I… I… n-need that,” I managed to get out.

“Then follow us!” Hikaru declared before turning and walking out the door.

“I…” I began, staring after him helplessly.

“I’ll make sure you get it back.”

Jumping, I turned towards the source of the voice. Haruhi was giving me a friendly smile as she stood next to my desk. I marveled for a moment over the fact that ‘he’ was a ‘she’. I hadn’t voiced my guess to anyone else, because it seemed to be a secret, but I was rather certain of what I’d heard during the party.


I jumped once again, turning red as I pulled myself away from my thoughts. Hesitating for just a moment, I offered her something that was something like a smile and glanced towards the door.

“Th-thanks,” I mumbled.

A side-glance at her face told me that she liked that response, as a happy smile crossed her face.

“No problem.”

Together we started towards the door, just in time for an impatient twin head to appear in the doorway.

“Are you coming or not?”

“We’re coming,” Haruhi replied, irritated.

“Good,” Hikaru replied with a grin.

His head then disappeared from the doorway. I could hear him yelling something to his brother who must have been down the hall quite a bit. All I could think at that moment, however, is how my poor violin happened to be stuck in those boys’ hands.

It didn’t take long for all of us to make our way to the club room. When we arrived, the only people in the Music room were Tamaki and Kyoya who were already dressed in kimonos. Showing me to a seat, Haruhi left to get ready along with the twins. Tamaki, who seemed to be completely prepared for the club doors to open, came and sat himself down next to me with a grin.

“Et comment allez-vous, princesse?” Tamaki questioned. (And how are you, princess?)

I hesitated, before offering a small smile.

“Heureux, bien que je serais heureux d'avoir mon violon dans mes mains,” I replied. (Happy, although I’d be happier to have my violin in my hands.)

Tamaki gave me a questioning look and I hesitantly gestured towards the twins.

“King is speaking French again,” Hikaru complained loudly as Tamaki looked in their direction.

“Be nice to your sister!” Tamaki declared loudly before anyone could say anything. I can honestly say that all I could feel at that moment was surprise.

“What’d we do?” the twins questioned together.

“And when did we get a sister?” Hikaru added on.

The Shadow King's Princess (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now