Chapter Thirty

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I would have thought that meeting him would be more dramatic. That I’d become as pathetic as every other time I’m even come remotely in contact with anything reminding me of that time. Hell, I couldn’t even stand in a dark room without having a panic attack.

Yet… it wasn’t. The moment our eyes met and he greeted me with that oh too familiar name, it was just that, a greeting. Sure, my heart was suddenly beating faster and I felt as if I wanted to turn tail and run from that room, but that was it. I didn’t faint and I didn’t actually run.

I stood my ground and stared.

Perhaps I’m a bit stronger than I think I am.

“I d-didn’t think you’d g-get caught,” I managed to say, slowly finding my way to the seat on the opposite side of the table from him.

Vaguely, I realized that we must be in one of the interrogation rooms. The cuffs holding his hands were strung through a metal ring attached to the table. His chair, from what I could tell, was a simple metal thing that provided no padding. Perhaps this is how I felt so comfortable, despite the numb feeling that had suddenly begun to form. The fact that I knew that I was safe, despite standing right in front of him. Well, that and the fact that I knew I was so close to getting what I wanted.

“I didn’t think that you’d still be stammering,” he retorted.

That numb feeling grew stronger the moment he opened his mouth. Hadn’t I been told that he wasn’t speaking? I guess I was right in the belief that he would talk to me, because it’s me.

“Why n-not?”

“I’m caught, shouldn’t you be better?”


The emotionless expression he had been wearing broke for just a moment. Curiosity, a single flash of it flickered across his face, followed by regret, he was then emotionless again.

It made it harder to continue talking.

“Why not?” he questioned.

There was nothing in his tone to betray his thoughts. I hesitated.

Should I really ask?

Should I really keep it to myself?

“You should know.”

Remy snorted and leaned back in his chair. I didn’t say anything more, just watched as he scowled at the ceiling for a moment.

“Yeah, I guess I should. My brother’s a bit hard to forget,” he commented after a long enough silence that I thought he would never speak. “That damn ass.”

I was about to ask him a question when Remy tensed, his eyes having caught sight of something on the ceiling. My eyes followed his line of sight and I tensed as well. I’d forgotten about the cameras. Everything that we talked about would be heard and recorded.

I wouldn’t be able to find Henry like that.

I bit my lip, running through my mind on how to fix this problem. Meanwhile, Remy turned his eyes from the camera to the table, his own lips pursed. His eyes then flickered from the table to me. Leaning forward, he must have come to a decision because he began to speak.

“Closer. You can come up with an excuse for them later, can’t you?”

I hesitated, then nodded and pulled myself onto my knees in the chair. I frowned when an amused smile appeared on his lips for a moment. Apparently something about the fact that I was too short to reach across the table just sitting down was funny to him. When I was close enough to hear him if he whispered, Remy began talking.

The Shadow King's Princess (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now