Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: The dress on the side is the one that Zaira mentions in the chapter. 



Time passed after that. Everything around me seemed to settle into a nice little pattern.

Honestly, I didn't know what to do. The Host club continued to pull me into their schemes every chance they got. Every day that passed also pulled me closer, and close, to that deadline. The date that the announcement would be made to the public.

I was scared.

So the end, around three weeks after my first trip to the club room, I ended up not having said a word about what was going to happen.


I paused by the club room door. Ichiro, pleased to have caught my attention, quit trying to organize his things and simply piled them into his arms. Once he’d checked that everything had made the trip from the table to his arms, he jogged over to me with a happy smile on his face.

“Are we walking out together?” I asked, eyeing his pile with amusement. Odds were, with the luck we had between the two of us, that pile of stuff was going to fall before we even made it halfway to where our rides would be waiting.

“Of course!” he replied cheerily, walking out of the room as I held the door for him. “Now, I was wondering…”

Ichiro trailed off, his face turning bright red. Noticing that I was watching him curiously, he immediately looked away, the blush extending all the way up to his ears.


“You know… about that… uh, that concert this weekend, right?” he asked.

“Of course, we’ve been practicing for that for weeks, but wasn’t that tomorrow?”

The first performance I’d be participating in here was finally approaching. I’d been surprised to learn only a week ago that I’d even get the chance to perform a solo piece, as long as it was deemed well enough prepared. Ichiro had listened to it today and declared that it was.

“No, not that,” he replied, still not looking at me. “The one at my family’s music hall this weekend. There are many famous performers showing.”

Frowning, I racked my mind for a moment before remembering that I had indeed heard about it. From both Ichiro and Mr. Ootori. The second had told me that if I could, it would be a good idea to attend since I’d have the chance to meet some important people. He’d even told Kyoya something about buying the two of us tickets.

“Yes, I’ve heard about that,” I told Ichiro after a moment. “I’d completely forgotten, but you’d mentioned it before.”

Ichiro finally looked at me, grinning happily. His face was still quite red, but he seemed more happy that I’d remembered than embarrassed over whatever it was that had caused his face to flush in the first place.

“Well, my parents asked me this morning if I was planning to go,” he said slowly, seeming to take care with each word that came out. “I told them I was. They then asked if I would like to invite anyone to come, since they had been planning on attending but then ended up having some business to deal with, leaving their personal seats empty. We get our own personal balcony seating since we own the theatre, and it’s a waste to just leave them open.”

I nodded as he spoke, and he seemed to get a little more courage. His words began to come out faster the further he got in his explanation.

“So… I told them that I’d ask around and see if someone wanted to come. If you wanted to…I would really like to have you come with me.”

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