Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Flashback- 9 months ago

“Kyoya, look, look, they’ve got wine!” I pointed out, gesturing towards a few of the adults milling around the ballroom. “Do you think we could get a sip if we asked?”

Amusement sparked on my dance partner’s face, then he shook his head a moment later.

“I doubt it.”

A pout appeared on my lips, then I sighed, dismissing the idea as easily as it’d come. Instead I gave him a bright smile and turned my attention to the song that had come on- one of my favorites that I’d only recently convinced Papa to teach me to play myself.

“Listen,” I instructed Kyoya, who looked even more amused than before, but complied.

“What is it?”

“What I’ll play when Papa takes his tour in Japan next month,” I informed him. “I can already play it through without mistakes.”

Kyoya considered this for a moment, then gave me faint smile. It seemed this evening had been enjoyable for the both of us, seeing as I’d been receiving more smiles tonight than I can remember getting in the past year from him.

“You’d be willing to accompany me again, then, wouldn’t you?”

I nodded, my smile growing even larger. This night was perfect.


“Papa~ PAPA~”

Papa laughed, tilting his head as I sprawled myself out on my side of the limo seat. His red hair had long since turned into a messy heap of curls as the night had gone on and a certain level of tiredness had appeared in his misty colored eyes. I almost hesitated in my request, but seeing the amusement in his expression as he raised a single brow in response to his name, I plowed on.

“Can we stop for ice-cream?”

Mama slid into the seat next to as Papa’s booming laugh filled the air. She gave my side a little pat and I reluctantly moved over a bit further so that Papa could get in as well.

“You just had dozens of sweets at the party,” Mama commented.

A pout appeared on my lips as I turned my eyes to Papa, putting a pleading expression on.

“But there wasn’t any of that special ice-cream! You know, the one from the shop that we always go to!”

Mama sighed, amusement appearing on her face as well.

“They were closed when the catering for the party was booked. There was nothing we could do about that.”

“So can we?”


“I don’t see why not,” Papa commented cheerily as the driver stepped forward to shut his door.

For a moment I was surprised to see that it wasn’t Alain, but someone that I hadn’t ever seen before. I pushed that away, however, in favor of leaping forward to wrap my arms around Papa in a hug.

“Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!” I gushed, grinning happily. “Thank-you, Papa! Tonight has been the best night ever!”

Papa just laughed and even Mama gave a small chuckle. It didn’t look like she had any intentions of arguing with Papa on his decision to go to the little ice-cream shop.

“Sit back and buckle up,” Mama instructed. “Alain will be starting up the car soon enough.”

Not wanting to upset her, I did as Mama asked. At the same time, however, I felt a nagging feeling form in my mind. It only took me a second to realize what was causing it. The driver was opening up his door just as I forced it aloud.

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