Chapter Twenty-Four

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Third Person POV


“The doctor will be here soon,” Tamaki commented, then paused, uncharacteristically hesitant. “I heard the others talking about playing games, why don’t you…”

“Go play with Haruhi,” Kyoya interrupted, not bothering to even look at the blond.

Tamaki reacted in a predictable manner, a pout appearing on his lips as his mind pulled up the recent events.

“I can’t! She-”

“I’m waiting here,” Kyoya commented, not in the mood to deal with what he knew was about to become a rant. “If I must be there, then post-pone starting the game. Haruhi won’t be able to join you until the doctor arrives anyway.”

“I said I can’t-”


Tamaki cut himself off, his pout turning into a serious expression. instead of leaving, he pulled a chair up next to Kyoya’s, his eyes turning towards where his friend’s were trained.

‘She’s alright now, isn’t she?”  he asked quietly. “You said…”

“It isn’t healthy to be unconscious for so long,” Kyoya answered, his voice void of anything that might betray his feelings on the matter.

Tamaki’s eyes widened slightly. She seemed fine- but Kyoya’s words made sense. Focusing closer on her, he couldn't help but notice how she was even paler than usual. Her skin had started to turn a shade of pink from the amount of sun she’d taken in since arriving on the beach, but beneath that she was as pale as paper.

“She’s fine,” Kyoya said after a moment had passed. “She just has to wake up. I’m sure the doctor will tell us the same thing.”

Tamaki regarded his friend with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

“You really care about her.”

Kyoya didn’t bother to respond to the statement, instead focusing his attention once again on her. Shed only stirred once since they’d laid her down in the bed, and that was just long enough for her eyes to skim over everyone gathered around her at that moment before falling shut once again.


Tearing his eyes away from Zaira, Kyoya glanced towards the door to find one of the Nekozawa servants waiting for his attention. Once they had it, the servant opened the door the rest of the way to reveal a dark haired woman.

“The doctor is here.”



The first thing I noticed was how much being awake hurt. My skin ached as if it was one giant bruise. My lungs burned with each breath I took. Some part of my chest throbbed as if someone had hit it as hard as they could. Put this all together and I wasn’t all that surprised that when I opened my eyes a pounding headache made itself known as well. Just looking at the lights above my head hurt.

What exactly…

It all came flooding back at once. The beach, the boys, Haruhi falling, me attempting to save her.

The feeling as the water flooded into my lungs.

I was alive.

The thought took some time to register, and even then it shocked me more than it should have. Of course I was alive, you had to be alive for everything to hurt this much.

The Shadow King's Princess (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now