Chapter 4

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Edward's point of view

We just pulled up to the house after five days of being gone at Italy. I swear to you it was horrible being away from Elena I know we were going to come back but when your away from your mate it still hurts. I rushed to the treaty line right after Carlisle called Billy telling him we're back. A smile grew on my face when I saw Elena. She looked up at me, smiled, ran over to me and said "Eddie!''. I picked her up right after she ran to me. When she was in my arms she said "Your back.''. "I'm back.'' I said. Elena turned to Billy and said "Thank you for having me Billy and tell Jacob I said bye.''. Billy smiled and said "Will do. Bye Elena.''. Billy waved at Elena before leaving. "You want to go see the rest of the family?'' I asked. Elena smiled, clapped her hands and said "Yeah let's go.''. I smiled before speeding off to the house. When we got back to the house Elena was tackled in hugs by everyone. About a couple hours later Elena was sitting on my lap when she yawned. "Come on lets get you to bed sweetie.'' Esme said as she got up, walked over and picked up Elena then carried her up the stairs.

Elena's point of view

Mommy carried me upstairs and into my room. She set me down then she walked over to my dresser and pulled out some night clothes. After she picked some out she put them on me.

I crawled into bed after she was done. Mommy leaned down kissed my forehead and said "Goodnight sweetie.''. "Night mommy.'' I said before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

A week later Edward's point of view

The week went fast then anyone wanted. Today was the day Elena was meeting the Volturi. Everyone is scared on what will happen. Elena knew that something was up because she kept asking what's wrong. I had to keep telling her everything's fine but she knew that was a lie. I told Elena that today she will be meeting some new people. She was scared at first but calmed down after a while. Carlisle, Alice, Me and Elena are all currently on a plane to Italy while the rest of the family stayed home. Elena was curled up in a ball asleep. I slightly smiled when I glanced at her. Everything is going to be alright I repeated that over and over again in my mind. I was hoping if I kept saying it maybe I would believe it after a while. When the plane landed I woke up Elena and we drove to the Volturi. When we got there I picked up Elena and followed Alice and Carlisle inside. Carlisle was talking to Gianna telling her we arrived. Man I feel bad for her. When she came back she told us to follow which we did. "There expecting you.'' said Gianna before she opened the doors to the throne room. When the doors opened Aro stood up and said "Ah the Cullen's have arrived.''. He looked at Elena and said "And this must be her. May I meet her Edward?''. I looked at Carlisle who nodded his head so I walked over to Aro and the rest of the guards with Elena in my arms. "Hello child what might your name be?'' asked Aro ."Elena.'' said Elena. "Well Elena I'm Aro may I?'' asked Aro as he held out his hands to read her thoughts. Is it just me or is Aro being nice extremely creepy? Just then I heard Elena think Edward what's going on? "Aro's gift is similar to mine he can see your thoughts but by touch.'' I explained. Elena nodded before placing her hand in Aro. Aro face went blank for a moment before a smile appeared on his face and he said "Marvelous absolutely marvelous half human half vampire.''. "Impossible.'' said Caius another Volturi guard. Aro looked back and said "Do you take me as a fool brother listen you can hear a heart beat but a fast one though.''. The room fell sight lent all you could hear was Elena's fast heartbeat. "That's incredible but how.'' said Caius. "Her parents one is a vampire one is human.'' explained Carlisle. "Does she have any gifts?'' asked Aro. "We don't think so we believe she is more human that's why she grows slower so no.'' I explained. "That's a shame but it seems there is no problem here so until next time Cullen family.'' said Aro.

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