Chapter 10

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A few weeks later Elena's point of view

Dear Diary,

It's been a few weeks since Edward IDOTICLY saved Bella Swan. Every day since then she has been one step closer to figuring out that we are vampires and the worse part is Edward won't do a damn thing about it. Sure he said he wanted to stay away from her but that only last about four or five days. Can't this girl learn o mind her own damn business.....noooo she can't. I swear I want to rip out this girl's liver and shove it down her throat. Look at me I use to be nice hated getting mad but look at me now wanting to rip out some girl's liver and shove it down her throat....but that is a very tempting thought.....hmmmm......tempting....I'll have to get back to you on that.........


Elena Rose Cullen

I got off my bed, and put my diary back on my book shelf. I grabbed some clothes out of my close, went into the bathroom and got dressed.When I was done we all went to school. When we got to school I snuck off and went into the forest and just started walking around. I froze when I heard a familiar voice say "You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is pale white, ice- cold. Your eyes change color. And sometimes speak like.... you're from a different time. You never eat food, or drink, or come out in the sunlight. And you said no to the beach trip only after you heard where it was. Because of the treaty. How old are you?''. "Seventeen.'' said another familiar voice. "Edward? What's he doing?'' I said but no sound came out so I just mouthed it. "How long have you been seventeen?'' asked......Bella. "....awhile.'' said Edward. "I know what the Cold Ones are. I know what you are.'' said Bella. "Say it. Out loud. Say it.'' said Edward. "......Vampire.'' said Bella. Just then I broke down and......screamed. I fell to my knees and screamed. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Leave me alone Edward.'' I said. "Elena.....'' Edward began but I interrupted him and said "No. Just would risk are family just because you have some stupid little crush.''. "Elena.....'' I interrupted him again by standing up and saying "Leave me alone.''. I ran away as fast as I can and that's fast but not as fast as the family. When I got to where people were I slowed down. I ran straight into Rosalie's arms who must have saw me coming. "What happen?'' asked Rosalie as I cried. "He....Edward....he....told...Bella....what....we....are.'' I stuttered. Rosalie's face turned stone hard then she said "Emmett take Elena home.''. Emmett nodded then picked me up bridal style and set me in his Jeep.

Dear Diary

Today is the day Edward brings Bella home to meet the family......Yay....not. You don't know how hard I'm going trying not to rip Bella's beating heart out. I really hate Bella and Edward knows that and I'm not going to try and be nice just to let you know....Well I got to go Mom's calling me....later....oh and next time I write in you and there's blood on the pages just to let you know I had nothing to do with it.



I got dressed after I put my diary away.I walked down the stairs, into the kitchen to see everyone cooking. I walked over to Mom who was cutting up chicken and before I could grab a piece she SMACKED my hand. "Ouch what was that for.'' I asked. "Sorry sweetie but we are making Italian for Bella.'' said Mom. "I still don't understand why I can't have a piece of chicken.'' I pouted. When Mom wasn't looking Dad took a piece of chicken and tossed it to me. I caught it in the air and ate it. Mom must of saw because she looked at Dad and said "Really Carlisle.''. He smiled and put his hands up in surrender. I giggled but quickly shut up when Mom glared at me. Rebecca cam in and said "I found the serving spoons....cute shoes Lena.''. I looked at Rebecca, smiled and said "Thank you Beka I'm glad someone notices my cute shoes.''. Everyone laughed. Just then my stomach growled. I put my hand on my stomach and said "I'm hungry.''. "Yeah we heard.'' said Rosalie. I stuck my tongue at her and she laughed. "Here comes the full human.'' said Rosalie in disgust. Just then Edward and Bella came in and Mom said "Bella . We're making Italiano for you.''. "This Esme, our mother for all intents and purposes.'' said Edward. "Bon giorno?'' said Bella. "Molto bene!'' said Mom. "Ottengalo da qui(Definition; Get me out of here.)'' I said in Italian. Mom HIT my forearm. I rubbed the spot where she hit me and said "What hell is with you hitting me today?''. She hit me again and said "No cussing.''. I rubbed my arm, walked over by Dad and said "I'm going to go stand by Dad he doesn't hit me.''. Mom smiled and rolled her eyes. "Sorry about them.'' Edward whispered to Bella but we all still heard. "I hope you hungry.'' said Mom. "Oh, absolutely.'' Bella lied. "She already ate.'' said Edward. Bella shoots Edward a look. I looked at Rosalie when something shattered and she said "Perfect.''. I stepped over the broken glass, hugged Rosalie and said "Its ok I'll eat...I'm starving.''. She gave me a small smile and said "Thanks.''. "I just assumed --- Because you don't eat, you know.'' said Bella. "Of course. That was very considerate of you.'' said Mom. "Ignore her I do..'' Edward said to Bella referring to Rosalie. "Oh shut up Edward.'' I said. Everyone looked at me shocked. "Lets just keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us.'' I snapped. "Elena....'' Edward said before I interrupted him and said "No don't Elena me.''. I speeded over, pinned Bella to the wall in sitting room and said "Listen hear Bella you put any of my family in danger swear I'll.....'' I didn't get to finish because Edward threw me into the China table and growled "Leave her alone Elena.''. I looked at my arm when blood began to come out and there was glass in my arm. "Oh suck it up Elena that's what you get for being in a house of vampires. I don't get why your even here just because your real parents didn't want you.'' snapped Edward. Just then a single tear came out of my eye. Edward must have realized what he said because he tried to come over to me and say "Elena I'm so.....''. I speeded out of the house before he could even finish without another word.

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